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Black Carbon in Surface Soil and Its Sources in Three Central Asian Countries
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s00244-021-00832-4
Dipesh Rupakheti , Shichang Kang , Maheswar Rupakheti , Pengfei Chen , Sangita Gautam , Mukesh Rai , Xiufeng Yin , Huhu Kang

Black carbon (BC) aerosol impacts the air quality, public health, agricultural productivity, weather, monsoon, cryosphere, and climate system from the local to the global scale. However, its distribution over vast Central Asia is poorly known, because it is one of the poorly sampled regions of the world. BC in the soil can be resuspended into the atmosphere and transported to downwind regions with sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable populations, such as from Central Asian countries to the cryospheric regions in the Tianshan Mountain and the Tibetan Plateau, which could accelerate the melting of the snowfields and glaciers. We report the distribution of BC and total organic carbon (TOC) in surface soil with samples collected at multiple sites, for the first time, over three countries in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan). The mean BC (TOC) concentrations over three countries were 0.06 ± 0.06 (11.86 ± 4.84) mg g−1, 0.15 ± 0.21 (20.35 ± 10.96) mg g−1, and 0.32 ± 0.29 (26.45 ± 20.38) mg g−1, respectively. They were found to be originated from the same or similar sources, at least over Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, as indicated by their high and significant correlation (R2 > 0.6, p < 0.001). The char/soot ratio indicated the diesel and gasoline combustion as dominant BC sources over this region. To gain further insights into the soil BC and its implications to air quality, climate, and cryosphere, future studies should include a wider area over Central Asia with different land-use types and other soil parameters combined with atmospheric simulations for this important yet relatively less studied region of the world.



从地方到全球范围,黑炭(BC)气溶胶都会影响空气质量,公共卫生,农业生产力,天气,季风,冰冻圈和气候系统。但是,由于它是世界上采样率低的地区之一,因此它在广大中亚的分布情况鲜为人知。土壤中的BC可以重新悬浮到大气中,并输送到具有敏感生态系统和脆弱人口的顺风地区,例如从中亚国家到天山和青藏高原的冰冻圈地区,这可能会加速雪场的融化和冰川。我们首次报告了中亚三个国家(乌兹别克斯坦,塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦)在多个地点采集的样本中表层土壤中的BC和总有机碳(TOC)分布。-1,0.15±0.21(20.35±10.96)毫克克-1,和0.32±0.29(26.45±20.38)毫克克-1分别。发现它们至少在塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦起源于相同或相似的来源,如它们的高度显着相关性所示(R 2  > 0.6,p  <0.001)。炭/烟灰比表明柴油和汽油燃烧是该区域主要的卑诗省来源。为了进一步了解土壤中的卑诗土壤及其对空气质量,气候和冰冻圈的影响,未来的研究应包括中亚地区的广阔土地,不同的土地利用类型和其他土壤参数,并结合大气模拟,这一重要但相对较少的研究研究了世界各地。
