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Ecology, Rubble, and Disappearance. Reflections on the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve in Buenos Aires
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2021.1884056
Pamela Colombo , Carlos Masotta , Carlos Salamanca

The Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve is located on the central shore of Buenos Aires city, along the Río de la Plata. The foundations of this site are the product of the accumulated rubble that was deposited there by the city council during Argentina's last dictatorship (1976–1983), mainly with the purpose of settling a terrain for the construction of a new municipal Administrative Centre. However, the Administrative Centre was never built and the rubble was colonised by all sorts of flora and fauna coming down the river. After the dictatorship ended, the zone was designated as the “Parque Nacional y Reserva ecológica.” In this article we explore the Reserva as a visible and public space that evidences the ongoing dialectic of construction and destruction that underlies the projects for refurbishment carried out by the last civilian-military government. Taking this as our point of departure, we examine the ways in which the rubble – as the left-over material of the demolitions carried out by the dictatorship – is (re)connected to the space of the city and its history. We analyse the place that the rubble's illicit origin occupies in the history of the Reserva and how this space is conceived, used, and imagined today. Our argument is structured in three parts. In the first, we focus our investigation on the Reserva's genesis. In the second, we look at how the space of the Reserva is being rewritten by the neoliberal city council, which uses “ecological” discourse while deliberately overlooking the site's unlawful origin. In the third part, we explore uses of the concept of ecology that might foster a more profound understanding of the complexities of this terrain. We conclude with a reflection on the various uses and discourses that criss-cross the space of the Reserva today.


生态,瓦砾和消失。对布宜诺斯艾利斯Costanera Sur生态保护区的思考

Costanera Sur生态保护区位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市中央海岸,沿普拉塔河(Ríode la Plata)。该地点的基础是市议会在阿根廷上次独裁统治期间(1976-1983年)在此堆积的瓦砾的产物,其主要目的是为建造新的市政行政中心铺平道路。但是,行政中心从未建好,瓦砾被河上各种动植物殖民。独裁统治结束后,该地区被指定为“ Parque Nacional y Reservaecológica”。”在本文中,我们将自然保护区作为一个可见的公共空间进行探索,以证明正在进行的建筑和破坏辩证法是上一届民兵政府实施的翻新工程的基础。以此为出发点,我们考察了瓦砾(作为独裁统治残存的残余材料)与城市空间及其历史的(重新)联系方式。我们分析了瓦砾的非法来源在自然保护区历史中所处的位置,以及今天如何构想,使用和想象这个瓦砾的空间。我们的论点分为三个部分。首先,我们将研究重点放在储层的成因上。在第二部分中,我们考察了新自由主义市议会如何改写Reserva的空间,该网站使用“生态”话语,同时故意忽略了该网站的非法来源。在第三部分中,我们探索了生态概念的使用,这些概念可能有助于加深对这一地形复杂性的理解。在总结时,我们会思考当今在Reserva空间中纵横交错的各种用途和话语。
