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Energy disruptive centrality with an application to criminal network
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.105834
Ricardo Lopes de Andrade , Leandro Chaves Rêgo , Ticiana L. Coelho da Silva , José Antônio F. de Macêdo , Wellington C.P. Silva

Many social interactions can be modeled by networks, where social actors are represented by vertices and their relations by edges. Researchers, over the years, have used social network analysis (SNA) to study the topological structure of the network and understand relational patterns. More recently, scholars have included in the SNA the actors’ attributes in the search for a better understanding, given that these attributes can influence the way that the relationships occur and consequently models the structure of the network. In this paper, we propose two centrality measures, based on the law of gravity, where the strength of the nodes’ attributes is combined with the strength of the relationships between them. We used an energy disruptive measure to target a network of convicts, monitored electronically, and the network of hijackers of Al Qaedas 9/11 attack with the aim of structurally and functionally dismantling it. The network damage was demonstrated by the robustness, measure which takes into account the size of the principal component, and also through two new measures proposed in this work: the attribute load, measure that analyzes the loss of nodes’ attributes; and the toughness, which takes into account the maximum sum of edges’ weights. Results show that, when used as a target method, the energy disruptive centrality was the most efficient strategy, providing greater network damage than other centrality measures analyzed.



许多社交互动可以通过网络建模,其中社交参与者以顶点表示,而社交关系则以边缘表示。多年来,研究人员已使用社交网络分析(SNA)来研究网络的拓扑结构并了解关系模式。最近,由于这些属性可以影响关系发生的方式并因此对网络结构进行建模,因此学者们在SNA中包括了参与者的属性,以寻求更好的理解。在本文中,我们基于引力定律提出了两种集中度度量,即节点属性的强度与它们之间关系的强度相结合。我们采用了破坏能量的措施来定位以电子方式监控的定罪犯网络,以及基地组织9/11的劫机者网络进行了攻击,目的是从结构上和功能上拆除它。网络破坏表现为健壮性,考虑到主成分大小的度量,以及这项工作中提出的两项新措施:属性负载,分析节点属性损失的度量;和韧性,这要考虑到边缘的最大权重之和。结果表明,作为一种目标方法时,能量破坏性集中性是最有效的策略,与其他分析的集中性方法相比,其破坏性更大。以及通过这项工作中提出的两项新措施:属性负载,用于分析节点属性损失的措施;以及 和韧性,这要考虑到边缘的最大权重之和。结果表明,作为一种目标方法时,能量破坏性集中性是最有效的策略,与其他分析的集中性方法相比,其破坏性更大。以及通过这项工作中提出的两项新措施:属性负载,用于分析节点属性损失的措施;以及 和韧性,这要考虑到边缘的最大权重之和。结果表明,作为一种目标方法时,能量破坏性集中性是最有效的策略,与其他分析的集中性方法相比,其破坏性更大。
