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Efficacy of different hermetic bag storage technologies against insect pests and aflatoxin incidence in stored maize grain
Bulletin of Entomological Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s0007485321000213
Kimondo Mutambuki 1 , Paddy Likhayo 1

The performance of six grain storage technologies for the control of insect pests in maize was evaluated over a 36-week (9-month) storage period. The six technologies used were: two ZeroFly® hermetic bag brands (laminated and non-laminated); Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bag; non-hermetic ZeroFly® bag; woven polypropylene (PP) bag containing maize grain treated with Actellic Gold® Dust (pirimiphos-methyl 1.6% + thiamethoxam 0.3%) and woven PP bag containing untreated grain. Each bag was filled with 50 kg maize grain and four replicates of each were set up. With the exception of the non-hermetic ZeroFly® bag, 50 live adults of the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus and of the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais, were introduced into all the bags. Insects were not introduced into the non-hermetic ZeroFly® bag to assess its effectiveness in repelling infestation from outside. Parameters recorded were gas composition (oxygen and carbon dioxide) levels inside the bags; weight of flour generated by insect feeding activities; grain moisture level; live adult insect counts; grain damage and weight loss; grain germination rate and aflatoxin level. At termination, the plastic liners of the hermetic bags were examined for perforations. Results show that oxygen depletion and carbon dioxide evolution were faster in ZeroFly® hermetic compared to PICS bags. Throughout the 36-week storage trial, grain damage remained below 4% and weight loss below 3% in all the treatments except in the untreated PP bags in which it increased to 81.1 and 25.5%, respectively. The hermetic PICS, ZeroFly® and Actellic Gold dust-treated PP bags maintained grain germination at 60%, which was lower than the initial 90%, while in untreated control, it reduced to 4.7%. The mean aflatoxin levels fluctuated between 0.39 and 3.56 parts per billion (ppb) during 24 weeks of storage in all the technologies tested, which is below the acceptable maximum level of 10 ppb in maize. Based on the evaluation results, it can be concluded that hermetic PICS and ZeroFly® bags and woven PP bag with Actellic Gold dust-treated grain effectively protected stored maize grain from insect attack and weight losses. Appropriate strategies and mechanisms for the effective and efficient adoption of hermetic storage bag technology at scale would contribute towards global food security.



在为期 36 周(9 个月)的储存期内,评估了六种用于控制玉米害虫的谷物储存技术的性能。使用的六种技术是:两个 ZeroFly® 密封袋品牌(层压和非层压);Purdue 改良作物储存 (PICS) 袋;非密封 ZeroFly® 袋子;编织聚丙烯 (PP) 袋,内含用 Actellic Gold® Dust(甲基嘧啶磷 1.6% + 噻虫嗪 0.3%)处理的玉米粒和内含未处理谷物的编织 PP 袋。每个袋子装满 50 kg 玉米粒,每个袋子设置四个重复。除了非密封的 ZeroFly® 袋子外,50 只大螟虫的活成虫截尾长尾蠹和玉米象鼻虫玉米丝虫, 被引入所有的袋子。没有将昆虫引入非密封 ZeroFly® 袋子以评估其在驱除外界侵扰方面的有效性。记录的参数是袋子内的气体成分(氧气和二氧化碳)水平;昆虫摄食活动产生的面粉重量;谷物水分含量;活成虫数量;谷物损伤和体重减轻;谷物发芽率和黄曲霉毒素水平。在终止时,检查密封袋的塑料衬里是否有穿孔。结果表明,与 PICS 袋相比,ZeroFly® 密封袋中的氧气消耗和二氧化碳释放速度更快。在为期 36 周的储存试验中,除未处理的 PP 袋分别增加至 81.1% 和 25.5% 外,所有处理的谷物损伤均低于 4%,重量损失低于 3%。密封 PICS、ZeroFly® 和 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理的 PP 袋将谷物发芽率保持在 60%,低于最初的 90%,而在未经处理的对照中,发芽率降至 4.7%。在所有测试的技术中,在 24 周的储存期间,黄曲霉毒素的平均水平在 0.39 到 3.56 ppb 之间波动,低于玉米中可接受的最高水平 10 ppb。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。ZeroFly® 和 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理的 PP 袋将谷物发芽率保持在 60%,低于最初的 90%,而在未经处理的对照中,发芽率降至 4.7%。在所有测试的技术中,在 24 周的储存期间,黄曲霉毒素的平均水平在 0.39 到 3.56 ppb 之间波动,低于玉米中可接受的最高水平 10 ppb。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。ZeroFly® 和 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理的 PP 袋将谷物发芽率保持在 60%,低于最初的 90%,而在未经处理的对照中,发芽率降至 4.7%。在所有测试的技术中,在 24 周的储存期间,黄曲霉毒素的平均水平在 0.39 到 3.56 ppb 之间波动,低于玉米中可接受的最高水平 10 ppb。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。下降到 4.7%。在所有测试的技术中,在 24 周的储存期间,黄曲霉毒素的平均水平在 0.39 到 3.56 ppb 之间波动,低于玉米中可接受的最高水平 10 ppb。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。下降到 4.7%。在所有测试的技术中,在 24 周的储存期间,黄曲霉毒素的平均水平在 0.39 到 3.56 ppb 之间波动,低于玉米中可接受的最高水平 10 ppb。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。根据评估结果,可以得出结论,密封 PICS 和 ZeroFly® 袋以及采用 Actellic Gold 粉尘处理谷物的编织 PP 袋有效地保护了储存的玉米谷物免受昆虫攻击和重量损失。有效和高效地大规模采用密封储存袋技术的适当战略和机制将有助于全球粮食安全。