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Examination of elementary students’ emotions and personal and social responsibility in physical education
European Physical Education Review ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x211001398
Kelly L. Simonton 1 , Victoria N. Shiver 2

This study examined the relationships between student emotions in elementary physical education (PE) and their self-reported personal and social behaviors. Additionally, self-reported emotion and personal and social behavior differences were tested between students receiving a traditional multiactivity and games PE curriculum and those experiencing a Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model curriculum. Participants were 2nd and 3rd grade students (n=222) from two schools in the United States. Both schools had similar student demographics, school needs, and community characteristics. For secondary comparison analysis, school one (n=87) served as the comparative school receiving a traditional multiactivity curriculum and school two (n=135) received the TPSR model. Results showed that enjoyment and anger were predictors of students’ behavioral engagement. Findings also disclosed a significant positive effect for enjoyment, perceived responsibility, and behavioral engagement favoring the TPSR group. The TPSR model may be positively associated with elementary students’ beliefs about responsible behaviors, student enjoyment, and training students in positive ways to deal with anger. Overall, investigating the relationship between students’ emotions and their personal and social development, as it relates to PE, may provide intervention to reduce some negative experiences students report in these environments. Likewise, positive emotional experiences may increase in-class engagement and the adoption of adaptive personal and social responsibilities within PE and potentially into other areas in and out of school.



这项研究检查了基础体育(PE)中学生情绪与其自我报告的个人和社会行为之间的关系。此外,还测试了接受传统的多活动和游戏体育课程的学生与正在经历教学个人和社会责任(TPSR)模型课程的学生之间自我报告的情绪以及个人和社会行为的差异。参加者是来自美国两所学校的2年级和3年级学生(n = 222)。两家学校都有相似的学生人口统计,学校需求和社区特征。对于辅助比较分析,校一(Ñ = 87)用作比较学校接收传统的多样活动课程和学校两(Ñ= 135)收到TPSR模型。结果表明,愉悦和愤怒是学生行为参与的预测因素。研究结果还显示,娱乐性,感知责任感和行为参与度对TPSR组具有明显的积极影响。TPSR模型可能与小学生关于负责任的行为,学生的乐趣以及以积极的方式应对愤怒的训练有关。总体而言,调查与体育有关的学生情绪与其个人和社会发展之间的关系,可能会提供干预措施,以减少学生在这些环境中报告的负面经历。同样地,
