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Saproxylic arthropod borings in Nothofagoxylon woods from the Miocene of Patagonia
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110369
Carlos D. Greppi , Juan L. García Massini , Roberto R. Pujana

Permineralized woods of Nothofagoxylon scalariforme from Miocene strata (Río Leona Formation) that crop out in the southwestern region of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina were studied. Six types of borings are described, filled with coprolites or homogeneous excrement masses (frass). Based on size, shape, orientation and content, the borings can be related to oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida), beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) and springtails (Insecta: Collembola). The host woods show fungal decay and are colonized by hyphae and spores, which suggest various forms of interaction with the arthropods and the Nothofagoxylon trees. The possible types of interactions developed between different organisms involved in the excavation, consumption and degradation of fossil woods in Miocene forests of Patagonia are discussed. Collectively, this evidence indicates that the analyzed woods were in an advanced state of decay prior to their fossilization and that several groups of organisms were active participants in the decomposition of woody substrates, or used them as nesting places, in early Neogene forest ecosystems of Patagonia.



研究了中新世地层(里昂莱昂纳组)的Nothofagoxylon scalariforme的矿化木材,这些木材种植于阿根廷圣克鲁斯省的西南地区。描述了六种类型的镗孔,充满了共腐殖质或均质的排泄物(碎片)。根据大小,形状,方向和含量,钻孔可能与原螨(Acari:Oribatida),甲虫(Insecta:鞘翅目)和跳虫(Insecta:Collembola)有关。寄主的木材显示出真菌的腐烂,并被菌丝和孢子定居,这表明它们与节肢动物和Nothofagoxylon有多种相互作用形式。树木。讨论了巴塔哥尼亚中新世森林中化石木材的开挖,消耗和降解所涉及的不同生物之间可能发生的相互作用类型。总体而言,该证据表明,在巴塔哥尼亚的新近纪森林生态系统中,所分析的森林在其化石之前处于退化的高级状态,并且有几类生物体活跃地参与了木质底物的分解,或将其用作筑巢场所。 。
