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The use of shelters improves growth and survival of the endangered Nothofagus alessandrii after 5 years in a Mediterranean drought-prone site
Ecological Engineering ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106220
Iván A. Quiroz , Sergio E. Espinoza , Marco A. Yáñez , Carlos R. Magni D

The ruil (Nothofagus alessandrii Espinosa) forest is one of the most endangered-endemic forest ecosystem in central Chile. The species is classified as shade- intolerant, but at the early stages of development the species behave as shade- tolerant, and its transition from shade to sun is unknown. In this study we presented the following scientific question: Does protection from direct sun exposure, beyond the initial establishment phase, improve the outplanting performance of N. alessandrii? By establishing planting stock of two qualities under two light levels (full sun versus black mesh shelters) and three irrigation frequencies in a Mediterranean drought-prone site, we assessed the performance of N. alessandrii trees (i.e., survival, root collar diameter, height, and individual tree volume) for 5 years after outplanting. The effect of planting stock and irrigation frequency were not significant. Our results of irrigation suggest that large amounts of water at low frequencies are inefficient in drought-prone sites. Those plants growing under shelters had a height and survival 32 and 55% higher with respect to full sun trees. The effect of the light level on height and survival varied by age. In the shelter treatment, survival was drastically reduced when plants overpassed the shelter height of 1 m. At age 5 years, survival in sheltered and no sheltered trees was reduced by 54 and 80%, respectively, relative to the survival values of the first year after outplanting. We concluded that initial establishment of N. alessandrii must consider the use of shelters beyond the early stages of development.


在地中海干旱多发地区,经过5年的使用,避难所的使用改善了濒临灭绝的Nothofagus alessandrii的生长和生存。

ruil(Nothofagus alessandrii Espinosa)森林是智利中部最濒危的地方性森林生态系统之一。该物种被归类为耐荫性,但是在发展的早期,该物种表现为耐荫性,并且其从阴影到太阳的过渡是未知的。在这项研究中,我们提出了以下科学问题:在初始建立阶段之后,防止阳光直射能改善N的外植性能。亚历山德里?通过在地中海干旱多发地区建立两种光照水平下(两种光照条件下充足的阳光)和三种灌溉频率下的两种品质的种植种群,我们评估了N的表现。亚历山德里移栽后的树木(即存活率,根环直径,高度和单个树木的体积)持续5年。种植量和灌溉频率的影响均不显着。我们的灌溉结果表明,在干旱多发地区,大量低频水效率低下。那些在遮荫棚下生长的植物的高度和存活率要比全日树高32和55%。光照水平对身高和生存的影响随年龄的变化而变化。在避难所处理中,当植物超过避难所高度1 m时,生存率急剧下降。在5岁时,相对于移栽后第一年的生存值,有遮荫的树木和无遮荫的树木的存活率分别降低了54%和80%。我们得出的结论是N的初始建立。亚历山大必须在发展的早期阶段考虑使用庇护所。
