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Necroscapes: The Political Life of Mutilated and Errant Bodies in the Rivers of Colombia
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2021.1885356
Ana Guglielmucci

Different narratives in Colombia show how the apparition of mutilated and unidentified corpses in rivers – as an outcome of decades of war and violence – has reorganised national geography, as well as the affective relationships with space and death. Based on literary sources and testimonies, this article analyses how the presence of human remains has affected the ways of life in territories marked by necropolitics, transforming the perception of the threshold between life and death, and the conditions of existence of those involved. First, the article explores how the inhabitants of places located on the banks of the Magdalena and Cauca rivers have elaborated their interactions with the remains that appear on the rivers, and how these interactions produce frictions with expert knowledge and practices such as forensic practices. Secondly, the article describes how through different material and aesthetic mediations these banished corpses have been inscribed in the texture of everyday life. These material and aesthetic mediations include the choosing of ánimas of “NN” corpses (unidentified) in Puerto Berrío or the construction of a Park-Monument in Trujillo to keep the remains of corpses that have been identified there.



哥伦比亚的各种叙述表明,由于数十年战争和暴力的结果,河流中被肢解和身份不明的尸体的幻影如何重新组织了国家地理以及与空间和死亡之间的情感关系。本文基于文学资料和证词,分析了人类遗骸的存在如何影响以政治亡灵为标志的领土上的生活方式,如何改变人们对生与死之间界限的认识以及所涉者的生存条件。首先,本文探讨了位于马格达莱纳河和考卡河两岸的居民如何与河流上出现的遗骸之间的相互作用,以及这些相互作用如何与专家知识和实践(例如法医学实践)产生摩擦。第二,这篇文章描述了这些放逐的尸体是如何通过不同的材料和美学媒介被刻画在日常生活中的。这些物质和美学调解包括在波多黎各港选择“ NN”尸体的尸体(身份不明),或在特鲁希略修建公园纪念碑,以保留在那里被确认的尸体的遗骸。
