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African and Indigenous games and activities: a pilot study on their legitimacy and complexity in Brazilian physical education teaching
Sport, Education and Society ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2021.1902298
Arliene Stephanie Menezes Pereira 1 , Luciana Venâncio 2, 3


Although the teaching of African-Brazilian and Indigenous history and culture is mandatory in primary and secondary schools, there has been a lack of proper contextualizing in PETE programs [Corsino, L. N., & Conceição, W. L. (Eds.). (2016). Educação física escolar e relações étnico-raciais: Subsídios para a implementação das leis 10.639-03 e 11.645-08 [School physical education and ethnic-racial relations: Subsidies for the implementation of laws 10.639-03 and 11.645-08]. CRV, v. 11]. There is also a need to study how the recognition of African-Brazilian and Indigenous ethnic-racial issues in primary and secondary physical education is mandated by the law. The purpose of this research – framed as a pilot study – is to address the invisibility of African-Brazilian and Indigenous history and culture in schools. The objective is to analyze both the teachers’ knowledge and the law application in physical education classes concerning African and Indigenous games and activities. We have addressed the invisibility of Black and Indigenous people in Brazil, connections to the African diasporas and Indigenous cultures, ethnic-racial inequalities in physical education, and the African-Brazilian and Indigenous complexities as challenges for PETE. The research method is qualitatively oriented and descriptive. Data was generated from an online questionnaire responded to by physical education teachers who work in primary schools. Findings suggest that there is a lack of discussion on ethnic-racial issues in PETE or in permanent teacher education programs. Despite the law, there is a discrepancy in its application in Brazilian education. Physical education opens space to reflect upon the African-Brazilian and Indigenous cultures in the schools. Even teachers who do not teach ethnic-racial issues at their schools affirm the importance to teach. In conclusion, it is necessary to decolonize the curriculum, emphasizing the ethnic-racial complexity in PETE. Transform pedagogies and prompt the construction of new paths for social justice practices do require a more culturally diverse physical education curriculum.




尽管中小学必须教授非洲-巴西和土著历史和文化,但 PETE 课程缺乏适当的情境化 [Corsino, LN, & Conceição, WL (Eds.)。(2016)。Educação física escolar e relações étnico-raciais: Subsídios para a implementationação das leis 10.639-03 e 11.645-08 [学校体育和种族-种族关系: 对实施法律 13.6510.08 的补贴]。CRV,第 11 卷]。还需要研究法律如何规定在小学和中学体育教育中承认非洲-巴西人和土著民族-种族问题。这项研究的目的是作为一项试点研究,旨在解决非洲-巴西和土著历史和文化在学校中的隐性问题。目的是分析教师在有关非洲和土著游戏和活动的体育课中的知识和法律应用。我们已经解决了巴西黑人和原住民的隐形、与非洲侨民和原住民文化的联系、体育教育中的种族不平等以及非洲-巴西和原住民的复杂性等问题,这些都是 PETE 面临的挑战。研究方法是定性的和描述性的。数据来自在小学工作的体育教师的在线问卷调查。调查结果表明,在 PETE 或长期教师教育计划中缺乏对种族问题的讨论。尽管有法律,但它在巴西教育中的应用存在差异。体育教育为反思学校中的非洲-巴西和土著文化开辟了空间。即使在学校不教授种族问题的教师也肯定教学的重要性。总之,有必要对课程进行非殖民化,强调 PETE 的种族-种族复杂性。转变教学法并促进社会正义实践的新路径建设,确实需要更具文化多样性的体育课程。
