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“A certaine whorish brauery”: Silenced Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Neophilologus ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s11061-020-09663-5
Zita Turi

This paper proposes an exploration of the medieval aspects of the early modern period with a particular focus on the lives of medieval female saints and the relevance of the accounts of their martyrdoms to early Shakespearean tragedy. The most distinguished hagiography collection in the Middle Ages (in Continental Europe and in England alike) was the thirteenth-century Legenda Aurea (The Golden Legend), which reflected the spiritual, religious, socio-political, and cultural landscape of medieval Europe. It remained influential in the sixteenth century, and various elements of it seeped into Protestant martyrologies like John Foxe’s Actes and Monumentes (Book of Martyrs) and John Bale’s 1546 account of Anne Askew’s interrogation and execution (The first examinacio[n] of Anne Askewe latelye martired in Smythfelde—The Examinations). I offer an interdisciplinary discussion of the impact of medieval hagiographies in early modern England, a subject frequently overlooked by scholars of Renaissance studies. The focus falls on the saints in The Golden Legend who represent a strong female voice and who are silenced violently. I also examine pre-and post-Reformation voyeuristic tendencies in (for instance) Foxe’s and Bale’s accounts and in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus.



本文提出了对近代早期中世纪方面的探索,特别着眼于中世纪女圣人的生活以及their教者的叙述与莎士比亚早期悲剧的相关性。中世纪(欧洲大陆和英格兰)最杰出的全息摄影作品集是13世纪的Legenda Aurea黄金传奇),反映了中世纪欧洲的精神,宗教,社会政治和文化景观。它仍然在十六世纪的影响力,以及它的各种元素渗透到新教martyrologies像约翰·福克斯的Actes和Monumentes烈士之书)和约翰·贝尔(John Bale)在1546年对安妮·阿斯库(Anne Askew)的审问和处决的叙述(安妮·阿斯凯威(Anne Askewe最近的第一个考试在史密斯菲尔德(Smythfelde受到ti杀)。我提供了一个跨学科的讨论,探讨中世纪烟文学对近代英格兰的影响,这一学科经常被文艺复兴研究的学者所忽视。重点放在《金色传奇》中的圣徒身上,这些圣徒代表着强烈的女性声音,并且被沉默。我还研究了Foxe和Bale的账目以及莎士比亚的Titus Andronicus的改革前和改革后的偷窥倾向。
