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Weapons of War, Tools of Justice
Journal of International Criminal Justice ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1093/jicj/mqab013
Lindsay Freeman

Just as the internal combustion engine revolutionized warfare in the early twentieth century, artificial intelligence is shaping warfare in the Digital Age. Fuelled by data rather than gasoline, artificial intelligence (AI) derivative technologies are driven by innovation in both the military and civilian sectors. Today’s defence scientists and engineers, like their predecessors, develop physical equipment and weapons, but instead of simply making them more powerful and lethal, they are also making them more intelligent and connected. As AI is increasingly integrated into military tools, the digital footprints of modern battlefields will grow exponentially, generating new sources and types of data that will fundamentally alter war crimes investigations. This article examines emerging military applications of AI in order to identify what opportunities and challenges these tools might offer international criminal investigators. Will more sensors and smart devices on the battlefield benefit or burden the investigation of war crimes? Moreover, will intelligent machines add to the fog of war or help us see through it?



正如 20 世纪初内燃机彻底改变战争一样,人工智能正在塑造数字时代的战争。在数据而非汽油的推动下,人工智能 (AI) 衍生技术受到军事和民用领域的创新驱动。今天的国防科学家和工程师,和他们的前辈一样,开发物理设备和武器,但他们不仅让它们更强大和更致命,还让它们变得更加智能和互联。随着人工智能越来越多地融入军事工具,现代战场的数字足迹将呈指数级增长,产生新的数据来源和类型的数据,将从根本上改变战争罪调查。本文研究了人工智能的新兴军事应用,以确定这些工具可能为国际刑事调查人员提供哪些机遇和挑战。战场上更多的传感器和智能设备对战争罪行的调查是有益的还是负担?此外,智能机器会增加战争迷雾还是帮助我们看穿它?