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Milestones and signposts in the science of investigative interviewing
Applied Cognitive Psychology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1002/acp.3810
Steven M. Kleinman 1

Constructive changes in the practice of investigative interviewing have emerged as a direct result of an unprecedented and robust collaboration between behavioral science researchers and professionals in the field. At the same time, an ever‐increasing number of experienced practitioners have shown a willingness to adopt science‐based methods in the course of their work. This has highlighted the unique role science plays in this context. Empirical research has been integral to the process of weeding out the pseudoscience that continues to shape training in many corners, while the feedback practitioners can offer scientists as strategies are examined in field conditions helps to refine and focus the research as it moves from basic to applied. Not to be overlooked, science has also been irreplaceable in both the critical examination of past practices (especially as it involves high performers) and in charting the path toward future practices that can supplement and even replace current methodologies.



行为科学研究人员与该领域专业人士之间空前而强大的合作直接导致了调查性访谈实践中的建设性变化。同时,越来越多的经验丰富的从业者表明愿意在工作过程中采用基于科学的方法。这凸显了科学在此背景下所扮演的独特角色。实证研究一直是消除伪科学的过程中不可或缺的一部分,伪科学将继续在许多方面影响培训的发展,而反馈从业人员可以在野外条件下对战略进行研究时向科学家提供帮助,有助于改进和集中研究从基础到应用的转变。 。不容忽视