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Negative Attitudes and Beliefs Toward the #MeToo Movement on Twitter
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605211001470
Meena Nutbeam 1 , Ethan H Mereish 1

Given recent and growing societal movements focusing on sexual assault, such as the #MeToo Movement, it is imperative to understand current attitudes about sexual assault and these movements. The aim of this study was to examine negative attitudes and beliefs about sexual assault in the context of the #MeToo Movement by qualitatively analyzing social media posts (i.e., tweets) containing the hashtag “metoo” on Twitter, a popular social media platform. The initial sample consisted of 4,559 tweets that were publicly posted by Twitter users across a four-day timeframe and represented events and attitudes regarding both about an accuser and an accused. Data were cleaned and coded, and a remaining 508 tweets were included because they contained content that was categorized as negative in their attitudes or beliefs (either through attitudes of condemnation or ambivalence towards accusers and/or the #MeToo Movement). Results from a qualitative content analysis of tweets demonstrated that negative attitudes and beliefs about sexual assault within the context of the #MeToo Movement were conveyed through six main themes: (1) invalidating the accusations made as part of the #MeToo Movement; (2) insisting, and likely believing, that accusations made were false; (3) claiming that there were alternative motives for those accusations; (4) showing a concern for the harm that accusations may cause those accused; (5) exhibiting concerns about the effects of the Movement on male power, privilege, and status; and (6) questioning the integrity of the #MeToo Movement as a whole. These findings provide a deeper understanding of attitudes and beliefs about the #MeToo Movement, including novel beliefs not often addressed in the literature. Most importantly, these findings show that rape culture continues to persist despite current interventions and social movements. Results underscore the need for future interventions that aim to educate and improve societal attitudes towards sexual assault.


推特上对#MeToo 运动的消极态度和信念

鉴于最近越来越多的关注性侵犯的社会运动,例如#MeToo 运动,了解当前对性侵犯和这些运动的态度势在必行。本研究的目的是通过定性分析 Twitter(一种流行的社交媒体平台)上包含标签“metoo”的社交媒体帖子(即推文)来检验#MeToo 运动背景下对性侵犯的消极态度和信念。初始样本包含 4,559 条推文,这些推文由 Twitter 用户在四天的时间内公开发布,代表了关于原告和被告的事件和态度。数据被清理和编码,剩下的 508 条推文被包括在内,因为它们包含在他们的态度或信仰中被归类为负面的内容(通过对指控者和/或#MeToo 运动的谴责或矛盾态度)。对推文进行定性内容分析的结果表明,#MeToo 运动背景下对性侵犯的消极态度和信念通过六个主要主题传达:(1) 使#MeToo 运动的指控无效;(2) 坚持并可能相信所提出的指控是错误的;(3) 声称这些指控有其他动机;(4) 对指控可能对被指控人造成的伤害表示关注;(5) 表现出对运动对男性权力、特权和地位的影响的担忧;(6) 质疑整个#MeToo 运动的完整性。这些发现提供了对#MeToo 运动的态度和信念的更深入理解,包括文献中不常提及的新信念。最重要的是,这些发现表明,尽管目前有干预措施和社会运动,但强奸文化仍在继续存在。结果强调需要未来的干预措施,旨在教育和改善社会对性侵犯的态度。
