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Nationalist ideology, rightwing populism, and public views about climate change in Europe
Environmental Politics ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2021.1898879
Joakim Kulin 1 , Ingemar Johansson Sevä 1 , Riley E. Dunlap 2


Rising rightwing populism (RWP) potentially constitutes an obstacle to climate change mitigation, as European RWP parties and politicians often espouse climate change skepticism and oppose climate policies. Meanwhile, their party positions and issue stances have also become increasingly characterized by nationalism. Using European Social Survey data from 2016, we show that public attitudes consistent with nationalist ideology are clearly linked to voting for RWP parties and that people who hold these attitudes are more likely to be skeptical about climate change and to oppose policies that increase taxes on fossil fuels. With regard to policy attitudes, we find that nationalist ideology is more influential than traditional left-right political ideology, environmental values and political trust. The results also reveal substantial cross-national differences, as nationalist ideology is linked more closely to public views about climate change in Western European countries, where RWP parties with a nationalist rhetoric have had recent electoral successes.




崛起的右翼民粹主义 (RWP) 可能构成减缓气候变化的障碍,因为欧洲右翼民粹主义政党和政治家经常支持气候变化怀疑论并反对气候政策。与此同时,他们的政党立场和问题立场也越来越具有民族主义色彩。使用欧洲社会调查2016 年的数据表明,符合民族主义意识形态的公众态度显然与投票支持 RWP 政党有关,持有这些态度的人更有可能对气候变化持怀疑态度,并反对增加化石燃料税收的政策。在政策态度方面,我们发现民族主义意识形态比传统的左右政治意识形态、环境价值观和政治信任更具影响力。结果还揭示了重大的跨国差异,因为民族主义意识形态与西欧国家对气候变化的公众看法更紧密地联系在一起,在这些国家,带有民族主义言论的 RWP 政党最近在选举中取得了成功。
