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Histories of Indian Citizenship in the Age of Decolonisation
Itinerario ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s0165115321000115
Kalyani Ramnath

This essay discusses the important contributions of three new works on Indian citizenship by Ornit Shani, Uditi Sen, and Oliver Godsmark. Their books discuss the territorial partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947, the framing and inauguration of the Indian Constitution in 1950, the preparation of voter rolls and the first democratic elections, and linguistic reorganisation of Indian states in 1956, alongside questions of refugee rehabilitation, counterinsurgency measures and rising ethnonationalisms. The emphasis is not only on the legal regimes of national citizenship, but also how it is unevenly mapped and experienced. This emphasis on territoriality is an invitation to ask questions about continuity and change in the transition from empires to nation-states, as well as invented pasts and imagined futures that transcend national borders set up after the end of colonial rule.



本文讨论了Ornit Shani,Uditi Sen和Oliver Godsmark撰写的三本关于印度国籍的新作品的重要贡献。他们的书讨论了1947年印度次大陆对印度和巴基斯坦的领土划分,1950年印度宪法的制定和就职典礼,选民名册的准备和首次民主选举以及1956年印度各州的语言重组以及以下问题:难民复原,平叛措施和日益上升的民族主义。重点不仅在于国民国籍的法律制度,还在于其如何不均匀地绘制和经历。这种对地域性的强调邀请您提出有关从帝国过渡到民族国家的过程中的连续性和变化的问题,
