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The role of birds in Roman imperial funerary rituals at La Magdalena (Alcalá de Henares, Spain): osteoarchaeological and symbolic analysis
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01317-0
Rocío Bernal-García , Felipe Gómez-Moreno , Francisco J. Serrano , César Heras , José Yravedra

The archaeological site of La Magdalena, located in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), has a large necropolis area related to different chronological phases. This study was based on the bone remains found in three Roman tombs that date back to the second and third century AD and a votive offering. The three tombs were located in different places far from one another and have special features on their structure pits and their grave goods. We conducted anthropological and archeozoological analyses on the individuals and bird-associated remains. The anthropological results indicated that there was one adult male, one adult female, and a child, each one associated with a Common Pheasant which presents the same relative age and sex as the corpse they were accompanying. Moreover, all these pheasants were placed inside the grave next to the right tibia of the indicated human remains. We found another bird interred as an offering for the Early Roman cremations, but it was not associated with any particular grave. We consider that the presence of these bird remains is a votive offering related to a religious funeral ritual, but we could not determine if it belongs to a pagan religion or Christianity.



拉玛格达莱纳(La Magdalena)的考古遗址位于马德里的阿尔卡拉·德·埃纳雷斯(Alcaláde Henares),有一个大墓地,与不同的年代相联系。这项研究基于在三座罗马墓葬中发现的骨骼遗迹,这些墓葬可以追溯到公元二世纪和三世纪,还提供了奉献物。这三个坟墓位于彼此相距较远的不同地方,其结构坑和墓葬品具有特殊的特征。我们对个体和与鸟类相关的遗骸进行了人类学和考古学分析。人类学结果表明,有一个成年男性,一个成年女性和一个孩子,每一个都与一只普通野鸡有关,这种野鸡的年龄和性别与他们所陪同的尸体相同。而且,所有这些野鸡都被放置在墓穴内,靠近所指示的人类遗骸的右胫骨。我们发现有另一只鸟被埋葬,作为早期罗马火葬的祭品,但它与任何特定的坟墓都不相关。我们认为这些鸟遗骸的存在与宗教葬礼仪式有关,是一种奉献,但我们无法确定它是否属于异教宗教或基督教。
