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Sensitivity of future liquid argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova neutrinos
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/03/043
P. Agnes 1 , S. Albergo 2, 3 , I.F.M. Albuquerque 4 , T. Alexander 5 , A. Alici 6, 7 , A.K. Alton 8 , P. Amaudruz 9 , S. Arcelli 6, 7 , M. Ave 4 , I.Ch. Avetissov 10 , R.I. Avetisov 10 , O. Azzolini 11 , H.O. Back 5 , Z. Balmforth 12 , V. Barbarian 13 , A. BarradoOlmedo 14 , P. Barrillon 15 , A. Basco 16 , G. Batignani 17, 18 , A. Bondar 19, 20 , W.M. Bonivento 21 , E. Borisova 19, 20 , B. Bottino 22, 23 , M.G. Boulay 24 , G. Buccino 25 , S. Bussino 26, 27 , J. Busto 15 , A. Buzulutskov 19, 20 , M. Cadeddu 21, 28 , M. Cadoni 21, 28 , A. Caminata 23 , N. Canci 29 , G. Cappello 2, 3 , M. Caravati 21 , M. Crdenas-Montes 14 , M. Carlini 30 , F. Carnesecchi 6, 7, 31 , P. Castello 21, 32 , S. Catalanotti 16, 33 , V. Cataudella 16, 33 , P. Cavalcante 29 , S. Cavuoti 16, 33, 34 , S. Cebrian 35 , J.M. CelaRuiz 14 , B. Celano 16 , S. Chashin 13 , A. Chepurnov 13 , E Chyhyrynets 11 , C. Cical 21 , L. Cifarelli 6, 7 , D. Cintas 35 , F. Coccetti 31 , V. Cocco 21 , M. Colocci 6, 7 , E. CondeVilda 14 , L. Consiglio 29 , S. Copello 22, 23 , J. Corning 36 , G. Covone 16, 33 , P. Czudak 37 , S. D'Auria 38 , M.D. DaRochaRolo 39 , O. Dadoun 40 , M. Daniel 14 , S. Davini 23 , A. DeCandia 16, 33 , S. DeCecco 41, 42 , A. DeFalco 21, 28 , G. DeFilippis 16, 33 , D. DeGruttola 43, 44 , G. DeGuido 45 , G. DeRosa 16, 33 , M. DellaValle 16, 34 , G. Dellacasa 39 , S. DePasquale 43, 44 , A.V. Derbin 46 , A. Devoto 21, 28 , L. DiNoto 23 , C. Dionisi 41, 42 , P. DiStefano 36 , G. Dolganov 47 , F. Dordei 21 , L. Doria 48 , M. Downing 49 , T. Erjavec 50 , M. FernandezDiaz 14 , G. Fiorillo 16, 33 , A. Franceschi 51 , D. Franco 52 , E. Frolov 19, 20 , N. Funicello 43, 44 , F. Gabriele 29 , C. Galbiati 29, 30, 53 , M. Garbini 7, 31 , P. GarciaAbia 14 , A. Gendotti 54 , C. Ghiano 29 , R.A. Giampaolo 39, 55 , C. Giganti 40 , M.A. Giorgi 17, 18 , G.K. Giovanetti 56 , V. GoicoecheaCasanueva 57 , A. Gola 58, 59 , R. GracianiDiaz 60 , G.Y. Grigoriev 47 , A. Grobov 47, 61 , M. Gromov 13, 62 , M. Guan 63 , M. Guerzoni 7 , M. Gulino 64, 65 , C. Guo 63 , B.R. Hackett 5 , A. Hallin 66 , M. Haranczyk 37 , S. Hill 12 , S. Horikawa 29, 30 , F. Hubaut 15 , T. Hugues 67 , E.V. Hungerford 1 , An. Ianni 29, 53 , V. Ippolito 41 , C.C. James 68 , C. Jillings 69, 70 , P. Kachru 29, 30 , A.A. Kemp 36 , C.L. Kendziora 68 , G. Keppel 11 , A.V. Khomyakov 10 , S. Kim 71 , A. Kish 57 , I. Kochanek 29 , K. Kondo 29 , G. Korga 12 , A. Kubankin 72 , R. Kugathasan 39, 55 , M. Kuss 17 , M. Kuźniak 67 , M. LaCommara 16, 73 , M. Lai 21, 28, 52 , S. Langrock 70 , M. Leyton 16 , X. Li 53 , L. Lidey 5 , M. Lissia 21 , G. Longo 16, 33 , I.N. Machulin 47, 61 , L. Mapelli 53 , A. Marasciulli 18 , A. Margotti 7 , S.M. Mari 26, 27 , J. Maricic 57 , M. Martnez 35, 74 , A.D. MartinezRojas 39, 55 , C.J. Martoff 71 , A. Masoni 21 , A. Mazzi 58, 59 , A.B. McDonald 36 , J. Mclaughlin 9, 12 , A. Messina 41, 42 , P.D. Meyers 53 , T. Miletic 57 , R. Milincic 57 , A. Moggi 17 , A. Moharana 29, 30 , S. Moioli 45 , J. Monroe 12 , S. Morisi 16, 33 , M. Morrocchi 17, 18 , E.N. Mozhevitina 10 , T. Mrz 37 , V.N. Muratova 46 , C. Muscas 21, 32 , L. Musenich 22, 23 , P. Musico 23 , R. Nania 7 , T. Napolitano 51 , A. NavrerAgasson 40 , M. Nessi 25 , I. Nikulin 72 , J. Nowak 75 , A. Oleinik 72 , V. Oleynikov 19, 20 , L. Pagani 50 , M. Pallavicini 22, 23 , L. Pandola 65 , E. Pantic 50 , E. Paoloni 17, 18 , G. Paternoster 58, 59 , P.A. Pegoraro 21, 32 , K. Pelczar 37 , L.A. Pellegrini 45 , C. Pellegrino 7, 31 , F. Perotti 38, 76 , V. Pesudo 14 , E. Picciau 21, 28 , F. Pietropaolo 25 , C. Pira 11 , A. Pocar 49 , D.M. Poehlmann 50 , S. Pordes 68 , S.S. Poudel 1 , P. Pralavorio 15 , D. Price 77 , F. Raffaelli 17 , F. Ragusa 38, 78 , A. Ramirez 1 , M. Razeti 21 , A. Razeto 29 , A.L. Renshaw 1 , S. Rescia 79 , M. Rescigno 41 , F. Resnati 25 , F. Retiere 9 , L.P. Rignanese 6, 7 , C. Ripoli 43, 44 , A. Rivetti 39 , J. Rode 40, 52 , L. Romero 14 , M. Rossi 22, 23 , A. Rubbia 54 , P. Salatino 16, 80 , O. Samoylov 62 , E. SnchezGarca 14 , E. Sandford 77 , S. Sanfilippo 26, 27 , D. Santone 12 , R. Santorelli 14 , C. Savarese 53 , E. Scapparone 7 , B. Schlitzer 50 , G. Scioli 6, 7 , D.A. Semenov 46 , B. Shaw 9 , A. Shchagin 72 , A. Sheshukov 62 , M. Simeone 16, 80 , P. Skensved 36 , M.D. Skorokhvatov 47, 61 , O. Smirnov 62 , B. Smith 9 , A. Sokolov 19, 20 , A. Steri 21 , S. Stracka 17 , V. Strickland 24 , M. Stringer 36 , S. Sulis 21, 32 , Y. Suvorov 16, 33, 47 , A.M. Szelc 77 , R. Tartaglia 29 , G. Testera 23 , T.N. Thorpe 29, 30 , A. Tonazzo 52 , S. Torres-Lara 1 , A. Tricomi 2, 3 , E.V. Unzhakov 46 , G. Usai 21, 28 , T. VallivilayilJohn 29, 30 , T. Viant 54 , S. Viel 24 , A. Vishneva 62 , R.B. Vogelaar 81 , M. Wada 67 , H. Wang 82 , Y. Wang 82 , S. Westerdale 21 , R.J. Wheadon 39 , L. Williams 83 , Ma.M. Wojcik 37 , Ma. Wojcik 84 , X. Xiao 82 , C. Yang 63 , Z. Ye 1 , A. Zani 25 , A. Zichichi 6, 7 , G. Zuzel 37 , M.P. Zykova 10

Future liquid-argon DarkSide-20k and Argo detectors, designed for direct dark matter search, will be sensitive also to core-collapse supernova neutrinos, via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering. This interaction channel is flavor-insensitive with a high-cross section, enabling for a high-statistics neutrino detection with target masses of ∼50t and ∼360t for DarkSide-20k and Argo respectively. Thanks to the low-energy threshold of ∼0.5 keVnr achievable by exploiting the ionization channel, DarkSide-20k and Argo have the potential to discover supernova bursts throughout our galaxy and up to the Small Magellanic Cloud, respectively, assuming a 11-M progenitor star. We report also on the sensitivity to the neutronization burst, whose electron neutrino flux is suppressed by oscillations when detected via charged current and elastic scattering. Finally, the accuracies in the reconstruction of the average and total neutrino energy in the different phases of the supernova burst, as well as its time profile, are also discussed, taking into account the expected background and the detectorresponse.



未来的液氩 DarkSide-20k 和 Argo 探测器,专为直接暗物质搜索而设计,通过相干弹性中微子核散射,也将对核心坍缩超新星中微子敏感。该相互作用通道对味道不敏感,具有高横截面,可实现高统计中微子检测,DarkSide-20k 和 Argo 的目标质量分别为~50t 和~360t。由于利用电离通道可实现 ~0.5 keV nr的低能量阈值,假设 11-M 始祖星。我们还报告了对中子化爆发的敏感性,其电子中微子通量在通过带电电流和弹性散射检测时受到振荡的抑制。最后,还讨论了超新星爆发不同阶段的平均和总中微子能量的重建精度及其时间分布,同时考虑了预期的背景和探测器响应。
