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Infrared Spectroscopy of YZ Reticuli (Nova Reticuli 2020)
Research Notes of the AAS Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/abeefc
Richard J. Rudy 1 , Ray W. Russell 2 , Michael L. Sitko 3

IR spectroscopy from three epochs is presented for the very bright, X-ray nova YZ Reticuli (Nova Reticuli 2020). The first spectrum, from 2.5 months after outburst, shows a nova well into the coronal phase, with strong lines of [Si vi] and [Si vii], and with little or no interstellar reddening, and no dust emission. The second spectrum, from one month later, shows a four-fold drop in brightness and a measurable increase in the coronal lines relative to the lower excitation features. The final spectrum, from 7 months post outburst, is a factor of six fainter and shows a decrease in the relative strength of the coronal lines from the previous epoch. Emission lines from O i and [N i] are present at all epochs, indicating the persistence of a region of largely neutral gas in this otherwise high excitation object.


YZ Reticuli 的红外光谱(Nova Reticuli 2020)

为非常明亮的 X 射线新星 YZ Reticuli(Nova Reticuli 2020)展示了三个时期的红外光谱。第一个光谱,从爆发后 2.5 个月开始,显示新星很好地进入日冕阶段,具有强烈的 [Si  vi ] 和 [Si  vii ] 谱线,几乎没有或没有星际红化,也没有尘埃排放。一个月后的第二个光谱显示,相对于较低的激发特征,亮度下降了四倍,日冕线明显增加。爆发后 7 个月的最终光谱是六倍微弱的因子,表明日冕线的相对强度与前一时期相比有所下降。来自 O i和 [N  i的发射线 ]在所有时期都存在,表明在这个原本高激发的物体中存在一个大部分为中性气体的区域。
