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Victorian Poetry Index: Volume 58, 2020
Victorian Poetry ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Victorian Poetry IndexVolume 58, 2020
169 Alex Alonso
"Provocative propinquity": Paul Muldoon and Edward Lear
187 Matthew Bevis
Edward Lear's Happiness
501 Martin Brooks
Authenticity as Performance and the Conventions of Companionship in Fanny Kemble's Poems
237 Caitlin Crandell
Browning's Metaforms: Transformation and the Work of the Artist in The Ring and the Book
27 Denae Dyck
Falling into Hope: Wisdom Poetry and the Reinterpretation of Suffering in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's A Drama of Exile
1 Oliver Goldstein
"Dante-on-Steroids": "English Terza" and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Casa Guidi Windows
53 Antony H. Harrison
Percy Shelley, James Russell Lowell, and the Promethean Aesthetics of EBB's "The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point"
135 Eliza Haughton-Shaw
"Antic Dispositions": Lear and Dickens
291 Seán Hewitt
Gerard Manley Hopkins's "Skies of Couple-Colour"
403 Irmtraud Huber
Idle Singers, Idle Songs: The Birth of Poetry from the Spirit of Idleness
269 Rachael Isom
The Female Enthusiast Revived: Poetic Lineage in Aurora Leigh
107 Jasmine Jagger and Benjamin Westwood
Introduction: New Work on Edward Lear
73 Casie LeGette
Gems by the Thousands: Hoarding Poetry in the Late Nineteenth Century
1 21 Sara Lodge
"One of the Dumms": Lear, Deafness, and the Wound of Sound
207 Noreen Masud
Lear's Leftovers
475 Patricia Murphy
A State of Discontent and Dismay: E. Nesbit Dissects Victorian Marriage
427 Alex Murray
Michael Field's Words worth
93 Eugene O'Connor
"By there comes a listless stranger": Gerard Manley Hopkins's "Epithalamion" as a Poem of Queer (Non)performance
451 E. E. Sheng
Housman's Compassionate Didactic
221 Jenny Uglow
Afterword: Lear Outside Time
151 James Williams
The Old Person of Chroma
Copyright © 2020 West Virginia University Press ...




  • 维多利亚诗歌指数第58卷,2020年
169 亚历克斯·阿隆索
Alex Alonso) “挑衅的直言”:保罗·穆顿(Paul Muldoon)和爱德华·李尔(Edward Lear)
187 马修·贝维斯
237 凯特琳·克兰德尔·
布朗宁(Caitlin Crandell Browning)的变形:《指环与书》转型与艺术家的作品
27 Denae Dyck
1个 奥利弗·戈德斯坦(Oliver Goldstein)的
《类固醇的但丁》:“英式Terza ”和伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁的Casa Guidi Windows
53 安东尼·H·哈里森
135 伊丽莎·霍顿·肖(Eliza Haughton-Shaw)
291 塞恩·休伊特
403 Irmtraud Huber
269 瑞秋·伊索姆
Rachael Isom)女狂热者复活:极光·利Aurora Leigh)的诗意世系
107 茉莉·贾格尔(Jasmine Jagger)和本杰明·韦斯特伍德(Benjamin Westwood)
简介:爱德华·李尔(Edward Lear)的新作
73 卡西·莱杰特
Casie LeGette)的《千千万万宝石》:19世纪后期的Ho积诗歌
1 21 萨拉·洛奇(Sara Lodge),
207 诺琳·马苏德·
475 帕特里夏·墨菲(Patricia Murphy)
:不满和沮丧的状态:内斯比特(E. Nesbit)剖析维多利亚时代的婚姻
427 亚历克斯·默里
93 尤金·奥康纳(Eugene O'Connor):
“到这里来的是一个无精打采的陌生人”:杰拉德·曼利·霍普金斯(Gerard Manley Hopkins)的《 Epithalamion》,这是一部表现酷儿(Non)的诗歌
451 EE Sheng
221 珍妮·乌格洛(Jenny Uglow)
151 詹姆斯·威廉姆斯
