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Transformational Leadership across Cultures: Follower Perception and Satisfaction
Administrative Sciences ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.3390/admsci11010032
Arran Caza , Brianna B. Caza , Barry Z. Posner

Leading people from diverse cultures is centrally important in organizations. This study investigates the extent to which transformational leadership behaviors are universal: by examining if leaders and followers perceive transformational leadership behaviors the same way across cultures; and by determining if the magnitude of satisfaction that followers derive from transformational leadership behavior is the same across cultures. Survey data from 71,537 leaders and their direct reports (n = 203,027) from 77 countries were analyzed. Respondents represented hundreds of different organizations, 12 functional areas, 26 industries, and all management levels. Cultural universality was examined by comparing internal reliability scores and using multilevel mixed coefficient models to assess the similarity of effect sizes in across cultures. Regardless of culture, when interacting with leaders from their own culture, followers were universally alike in their perceptions of transformational leadership behavior and in their satisfaction with such behavior.



在组织中,来自不同文化的领导者至关重要。这项研究调查了变革型领导行为普遍存在的程度:通过检查领导者和追随者在整个文化中是否以相同的方式理解变革型领导行为;并通过确定跨文化的追随者从变革型领导行为中获得的满意度的大小是否相同。来自71,537位领导人的调查数据及其直接报告(n= 203,027)来自77个国家/地区的数据进行了分析。受访者代表了数百个不同的组织,12个职能领域,26个行业以及所有管理层。通过比较内部可靠性得分并使用多级混合系数模型来评估跨文化的效应量的相似性,从而检验文化的普遍性。不论文化如何,跟随者与自己文化中的领导者互动时,追随者对变革型领导行为的看法和对这种行为的满意度普遍相同。