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Family Group Conferencing as an Additional Service Response to the Abuse of Older People in Australia
Australian Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2021.1875016
Barbara Blundell 1 , Joe Clare 2 , Mike Clare 3


The abuse of older people, often perpetrated by family and friends, is a complex multidimensional social problem. In most Australian jurisdictions, responses are currently limited to either primary-level (information, education and referral) or tertiary-level statutory responses. Outside of Australia, Family Group Conferencing has partially addressed this secondary-level service gap by inviting the older person and their wider family system to identify and establish a family-led plan to address potential or actual risk of abuse. This paper presents the core processes of Family Group Conferencing, including the quality of the established evidence base for its use with older people. The limitations and caveats associated with this approach are explored, and a way forward is proposed to explore the utility and suitability of Family Group Conferencing for adults in Australia in response to some types and severities of abuse and mistreatment.

  • The abuse of older people is complex and under-reported, and many older people choose to take no action as a large proportion of perpetrators are family members.

  • Limited Australian responses focus on either primary prevention or tertiary-level statutory responses.

  • Family Group Conferencing may enhance secondary-level service responses to abuse, mobilising the older person’s protective networks, and reducing the risk of abuse.




虐待老年人通常由家人和朋友实施,是一个复杂的多维社会问题。在大多数澳大利亚司法管辖区,目前的回应仅限于初级(信息、教育和转介)或高等教育的法定回应。在澳大利亚以外,Family Group Conferencing 通过邀请老年人及其更广泛的家庭系统来确定和制定家庭主导的计划来解决潜在或实际的虐待风险,从而部分解决了这种二级服务差距。本文介绍了家庭小组会议的核心流程,包括已建立的用于老年人的证据基础的质量。探讨了与这种方法相关的局限性和注意事项,

  • 影响
  • 虐待老年人的情况复杂且报道不足,许多老年人选择不采取任何行动,因为很大一部分肇事者是家庭成员。

  • 澳大利亚有限的应对措施侧重于初级预防或三级法定应对措施。

  • 家庭小组会议可以加强二级服务对虐待的反应,动员老年人的保护网络,并降低虐待的风险。
