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Taxonomic Relations of Russian and Persian Sturgeons (genus Acipenser , Acipenseridae): an Updated Synthesis
Journal of Ichthyology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s0032945221010173
E. D. Vasil’eva , V. P. Vasil’ev


A comparative analysis of data on the morphological, genetic and ecological features of Russian, Persian and Colchic sturgeons was carried out in order to assess their taxonomic relations, diagnostic characteristics and distribution patterns in the Ponto-Caspian basin. The results confirmed the presence of two close related and morphologically similar species in the Caspian basin—Acipenser gueldenstaedtii and A. persicus, the reproductive isolation of which was proved by genetic data. The complex of diagnostic characters of these species includes, in addition to the traditionally accepted body color and the shape of the snout, several craniological indices: Pds/Ri and W/Ri. The Colchic sturgeon remains virtually unstudied from a genetic point of view. The results obtained allow us to consider it an independent subspecies – A. persicus colchicus. It differs from the Caspian Persian sturgeon, as well as from the Russian sturgeon with a longer snout and larger values of the craniological index B/Ri. The distribution of the Colchic sturgeon in the Black Sea basin requires further research.




为了评估它们在蓬图里海盆地的分类学关系,诊断特征和分布模式,对俄罗斯,波斯和科尔切奇C鱼的形态,遗传和生态特征进行了数据比较分析。结果证实里海盆地存在两个密切相关且在形态上相似的物种——Acipenser gueldenstaedtiiA. persicus,其繁殖分离已通过遗传数据证明。除了传统上公认的身体颜色和口鼻部形状外,这些物种的诊断特征还包括几个颅骨学指标:Pds / RiW / Ri。从遗传学的角度来看,实际上尚未研究过科尔切ic鱼。获得的结果使我们可以认为它是一个独立的亚种-波斯秋水仙。它不同于里海波斯st鱼,也不同于俄罗斯sn鱼,它具有更长的鼻子和更大的颅骨学指标B / Ri值。黑海流域的科尔切奇st鱼的分布有待进一步研究。
