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Predictors of workplace sexual identity management behaviors: A test of the social cognitive career self-management model
Journal of Vocational Behavior ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103566
Robert W. Lent , Taylor R. Morris , Alexander K. Tatum , Ruogu J. Wang , Bhanu Priya Moturu , Glenn W. Ireland

We extended the social cognitive model of career self-management (CSM; Lent & Brown, 2013) to the context of workplace sexual identity management. Three-hundred twenty sexual minority workers completed online measures of their self-efficacy and outcome expectations regarding use of identity-disclosing behaviors at work; workplace climate for sexual minority persons; perceived identifiability as a sexual minority group member; enactment of identity disclosing, avoiding, and disguising behaviors; and affective commitment to their work organizations. Prior to model testing, we examined the factor structure of the self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and workplace climate measures, performing a secondary analysis of data from two previous studies. These analyses indicated substantial overlap between the original measures of outcome expectations (especially negative outcome expectations) and workplace climate. We used these findings to create briefer, more distinctive measures of each construct. A test of the CSM model indicated good fit to the data in predicting use of sexual identity management behaviors and affective commitment. We consider the implications of the findings for refinement of social cognitive measures with respect to sexual identity management as well as for further efforts to understand the precursors and consequences of workplace sexual identity management.



我们将职业自我管理的社会认知模型(CSM; Lent&Brown,2013)扩展到了工作场所性身份管理的背景下。320名性少数工作者完成了关于在工作中使用公开身份行为的自我效能和结果期望的在线测量;性少数群体的工作环境;被视为少数群体成员的可识别性;制定披露,避免和掩饰行为的身份;对他们的工作组织的情感承诺。在进行模型测试之前,我们检查了自我效能感,结果预期和工作场所气候指标的因素结构,并对之前两项研究的数据进行了二次分析。这些分析表明,对结果期望(尤其是负面的结果期望)的原始度量与工作环境之间存在实质性的重叠。我们利用这些发现为每个结构创建了更简短,更独特的度量。CSM模型的测试表明,该数据非常适合预测性身份管理行为和情感承诺的使用。我们认为研究结果对于完善有关性身份管理的社会认知措施以及进一步努力理解工作场所性身份管理的前兆和后果的意义。CSM模型的测试表明,该数据非常适合预测性身份管理行为和情感承诺的使用。我们认为研究结果对于完善有关性身份管理的社会认知措施以及进一步努力理解工作场所性身份管理的前兆和后果的意义。CSM模型的测试表明,该数据非常适合预测性身份管理行为和情感承诺的使用。我们认为研究结果对于完善有关性身份管理的社会认知措施以及进一步努力理解工作场所性身份管理的前兆和后果的意义。
