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Impact of pool design on spider and dytiscid recolonization patterns in a restored fen
Restoration Ecology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13384
André‐Philippe Drapeau Picard 1 , Marc J. Mazerolle 2 , Maxim Larrivée 1, 3 , Line Rochefort 4

Peatland pools present unique fauna and flora and contribute significantly to peatland biodiversity. The ecological functionality of artificial pools in restored peatlands is poorly documented. In this study, we investigated arthropod assemblages of 21 artificial pools in a restored fen in southeastern Canada and 16 pools from four pristine fens as reference ecosystems. Three years following restoration, predacious diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and spiders (Araneae) were sampled within and around pools using minnow traps and pitfall traps, respectively. We used Bayesian community occupancy models to document arthropod recolonization. Twenty-one dytiscid species were captured in pools. Dytiscid species richness was higher in artificial pools than in reference pools. Three dytiscid species were more likely to occur in deeper pools. Dytiscid species composition in artificial pools differed from reference pools. Seventy-seven spider species were captured around pools. Spider species richness was higher around artificial pools than around reference pools. Seventeen spider species responded to vegetation cover, either positively or negatively. In contrast, spider species composition was similar between artificial and reference pools. We conclude that artificial pools should be along a gradient of pool depth, but also that fast-growing vegetation should be introduced on pool margins to foster a quicker return of arthropod assemblages similar to reference ecosystems.



泥炭地池呈现出独特的动植物群,对泥炭地生物多样性做出重大贡献。修复后的泥炭地中人工水池的生态功能记录很少。在这项研究中,我们调查了加拿大东南部一个修复过的沼泽中的 21 个人工水池和来自四个原始沼泽的 16 个水池的节肢动物组合,作为参考生态系统。修复三年后,捕食性潜水甲虫(鞘翅目:Dytiscidae)和蜘蛛(Araneae)分别使用鲦鱼陷阱和陷阱陷阱在水池内和周围取样。我们使用贝叶斯社区占用模型来记录节肢动物的重新定殖。在水池中捕获了 21 种龙虱。人工池中的龙虱物种丰富度高于参考池。三种龙虱物种更有可能出现在更深的水池中。人工池中的龙虱物种组成与参考池不同。在水池周围捕获了 77 种蜘蛛。人工池周围的蜘蛛物种丰富度高于参考池周围。17 种蜘蛛对植被覆盖做出了积极或消极的反应。相比之下,人工池和参考池之间的蜘蛛物种组成相似。我们得出的结论是,人工水池应该沿着水池深度的梯度,但也应该在水池边缘引入快速生长的植被,以促进类似于参考生态系统的节肢动物组合的更快返回。17 种蜘蛛对植被覆盖做出了积极或消极的反应。相比之下,人工池和参考池之间的蜘蛛物种组成相似。我们得出的结论是,人工水池应该沿着水池深度的梯度,但也应该在水池边缘引入快速生长的植被,以促进类似于参考生态系统的节肢动物组合的更快返回。17 种蜘蛛对植被覆盖做出了积极或消极的反应。相比之下,人工池和参考池之间的蜘蛛物种组成相似。我们得出的结论是,人工水池应该沿着水池深度的梯度,但也应该在水池边缘引入快速生长的植被,以促进类似于参考生态系统的节肢动物组合的更快返回。