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A pilot study of a family systems oriented telemental health model in rural Brazil
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy ( IF 2.577 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-20 , DOI: 10.1111/jmft.12500
Paul R Springer 1 , Olga Falceto 2 , Richard J Bischoff 3 , Enrique Barros 4 , Patricia Scheeren 5 , Nathan C Taylor 6 , Daiana Cargnin 7

There are large disparities in access to mental health care, especially in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Telemental health is a viable solution to reducing these disparities, but quality research demonstrating its effectiveness is needed. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the feasibility of a telemental health approach in a rural region of Brazil. Primary care providers referred patients diagnosed with depression and anxiety to a 12‐session family systems‐oriented telemental health program developed by the researchers. Participants (n = 10) received therapy by family systems trained therapists. While sessions were delivered via telemental health, each received one face‐to‐face session as part of the treatment regimen. Results from the one‐tailed t‐tests indicate reductions in psychosocial symptoms and improvements in family functioning with medium and large effect sizes. Findings reveal that a family systems‐oriented telemental health approach is a promising intervention for improving mental health outcomes in a middle‐income country.



在获得精神卫生保健方面存在巨大差异,尤其是在低收入和中等收入国家。远程心理健康是减少这些差异的可行解决方案,但需要高质量的研究来证明其有效性。这项试点研究的目的是检验远程心理健康方法在巴西农村地区的可行性。初级保健提供者将诊断出患有抑郁症和焦虑症的患者转介到由研究人员开发的 12 次家庭系统导向的远程心理健康计划。参与者 ( n = 10) 接受家庭系统训练的治疗师的治疗。虽然会话是通过远程心理健康提供的,但作为治疗方案的一部分,每个人都接受了一次面对面的会话。单尾 t 检验的结果表明,社会心理症状有所减轻,家庭功能有所改善,具有中等和较大的效应量。研究结果表明,以家庭系统为导向的远程心理健康方法是改善中等收入国家心理健康结果的有希望的干预措施。