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Late-Holocene evolution of the Northern Bay of Cádiz from geomorphological, stratigraphic and archaeological data
Quaternary International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2021.03.028
C. Caporizzo , F.J. Gracia , P.P.C. Aucelli , L. Barbero , C. Martín-Puertas , L. Lagóstena , J.A. Ruiz , C. Alonso , G. Mattei , I. Galán-Ruffoni , J.A. López-Ramírez , A. Higueras-Milena

The present paper deals with the historical evolution of the northern Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain) between the last eustatic maximum (6.5 ka BP) and the present day, by means of a series of independent proxies. The zone is constituted by the tidal estuary of the Guadalete River, filled with saltmarsh sediments during the late Holocene, due to the sheltering of the zone by a confining outer sandy barrier. The northern border of the Bay records an urban settlement of Phoenician age (first millennium BC), Doña Blanca. A detailed survey was made in the contact between the Phoenician city and the saltmarshes in order to detect other possible urban structures related to the morphological and sedimentary evolution of this environment during historical times. Two campaigns with GPR Stream-X array were carried out as well as aerial imaging and topographic survey with UAV. In parallel, a total of 8 boreholes were made in different parts of the saltmarshes, including radiocarbon dating of selected samples for estimating sedimentation rates in the saltmarshes. Results obtained by georadar prospection and UAV survey revealed the presence of a second urban settlement on the marginal sedimentary plain, very probably installed upon a sandy fluvial island of the Guadelete River. The urban remains, of Punic age, are partly covered by clay sediments due to the subsequent evolution of these saltmarshes, where sedimentation rates of up to nearly 2.4 mm/yr have been estimated for environments close to fluvial and/or tidal channels and hence more affected by sediment aggradation during flooding episodes. In recent times river regulation by dams and the artificial desiccation and cropping of the saltmarshes have interrupted the natural trend of the area towards sedimentary silting up.



本文通过一系列独立的代理人,探讨了加的斯北部海湾(西班牙西南部)在最后一个喜人的最大值(6.5 ka BP)到今天之间的历史演变。该区域由瓜达莱特河的潮汐河口构成,由于全新世晚期被封闭的外部沙质屏障所掩盖,因此在晚新世时期充满了盐沼沉积物。海湾的北部边界记录了多尼·布兰卡(DoñaBlanca)的腓尼基时代(公元前一千年)的城市居住地。对腓尼基城市与盐沼之间的接触进行了详细的调查,以发现与历史时期这种环境的形态和沉积演化有关的其他可能的城市结构。进行了两次使用GPR Stream-X阵列的运动,以及使用无人机进行航空成像和地形测量。同时,在盐沼的不同部分共开凿了8个钻孔,包括对选定样品的放射性碳测年,以估算盐沼中的沉积速率。地质雷达勘探和无人机调查获得的结果表明,在边缘沉积平原上存在第二个城市聚落,很可能安装在瓜德莱特河的一个沙质河流岛上。由于这些盐沼的后续演化,布匿时代的城市遗迹部分被粘土沉积物覆盖,据估计,对于接近河流和/或潮汐通道的环境,沉积速率高达每年近2.4毫米/年。受洪水期间沉积物沉积的影响。
