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The Prevalence of Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Professionals and Volunteers Working With Forcibly Displaced People: A Systematic Review and Two Meta-Analyses
Journal of Traumatic Stress ( IF 3.952 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-27 , DOI: 10.1002/jts.22659
Fritha Roberts 1 , Bonnie Teague 1, 2 , Jennifer Lee 1 , Imogen Rushworth 1

Research suggests that professionals and volunteers who work with forcibly displaced people (FDP) experience burnout and secondary traumatic stress (STS) as a result of working with such a highly traumatized population. In the present systematic review and meta-analyses, we report the pooled prevalence rates of burnout and STS in individuals working both professionally and voluntarily with FDP. The CINAHL Complete, E-Journals, ERIC, MEDLINE Complete, OpenDissertations, PsycARTICLES, and PsycINFO databases were searched for articles published historically to September 2019. Studies (N = 15) were included and assessed for quality if (a) their sample comprised individuals working in a professional or voluntary capacity with refugees, asylum seekers, forced migrants, or displaced persons and (b) reported on an outcome of STS or burnout. Two meta-analyses were conducted using random-effects models to assess the prevalence of (a) burnout and (b) STS. The pooled prevalence of high-level burnout was 29.7%, 95% CI [13.8%, 45.6%], with considerable heterogeneity between studies, Q(5) = 112.42, p < .001, I2 = 95.6%. The pooled prevalence of moderate, high, and severe STS was 45.7%, 95% CI [26.1%, 65.2%] with considerable heterogeneity between studies, Q(12) = 1,079.37, p < .001, I2 = 98.9%. Significant differences were observed in reported prevalence depending on the measure administered. This review highlights the high prevalence of high-level burnout and moderate-to-severe STS reported by individuals working with FDP. The results have implications for future research, employment support for individuals working with FDP, and measure selection for assessing STS.



研究表明,与被迫流离失所者 (FDP) 一起工作的专业人士和志愿者,由于与受到如此高度创伤的人群一起工作,会经历倦怠和继发性创伤性压力 (STS)。在目前的系统评价和荟萃分析中,我们报告了专业和自愿与 FDP 一起工作的个人的倦怠和 STS 的汇总患病率。该CINAHL完成,电子期刊,ERIC,MEDLINE齐全,OpenDissertations,PsycARTICLES和PsycINFO数据库中搜索了历史上发布至九月2019年研究文章(ñ= 15) 如果 (a) 他们的样本包括以专业或志愿身份与难民、寻求庇护者、被迫移民或流离失所者一起工作的个人,并且 (b) 报告了 STS 或倦怠的结果,则被纳入并评估质量。使用随机效应模型进行了两项荟萃分析,以评估 (a) 倦怠和 (b) STS 的流行率。高水平倦怠的汇总患病率为 29.7%,95% CI [13.8%, 45.6%],研究之间存在相当大的异质性,Q (5) = 112.42,p < .001,I 2 = 95.6%。中度、高度和重度 STS 的汇总患病率为 45.7%,95% CI [26.1%, 65.2%],研究之间存在相当大的异质性,Q (12) = 1,079.37,p < .001,2 = 98.9%。根据所采取的措施,报告的患病率存在​​显着差异。这篇综述强调了与 FDP 工作的个人报告的高度倦怠和中度至重度 STS 的高流行率。结果对未来的研究、对从事 FDP 工作的个人的就业支持以及评估 STS 的措施选择具有影响。