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A leaky dimorphic sexual system and breeding system characterize a successful island colonist: the reproductive biology of Plocama pendula (Rubiaceae)
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boab026
Gregory J Anderson 1 , Julia Pérez De Paz 2 , Mona Anderson 3 , Gabriel Bernardello 4 , David W Taylor 5

Island plants provide special opportunities for the study of evolution and ecology. In field and greenhouse studies we characterized a model reproductive system for Plocama pendula, endemic to the Canary Islands. This species has a complicated and not immediately obvious reproductive system. Pollination is biotic, and all flowers are morphologically hermaphroditic, but half of the plants characteristically bear flowers with nectar, pistils with reflexed stigmatic lobes and pollen-less anthers (i.e. they are functionally female flowers). The other half bear nectar-less flowers with abundant pollen and full-sized pistils that mostly have un-reflexed stigmatic lobes (i.e. they are hermaphroditic flowers functioning mostly as males). However, experiments show these pollen-bearing flowers to be self-compatible. Thus, the functionally male flowers have a breeding system that allows selfing in limited circumstances, but the functionally male flowers produce far fewer fruits than do functionally female flowers. With morphologically gynodioecious, functionally largely dioecious flowers, sometimes capable of selfing, the reproductive system of this species could be labelled as ‘leaky’ in many respects. Thus, we propose that P. pendula has colonized new habitats and persists in substantial populations at least in part because it manifests a reproductive system that is a model for successfully balancing the often-conflicting evolutionary demands of colonization, establishment and persistence.


一个泄漏的二态性系统和繁殖系统是一个成功的岛屿殖民者的特征:Plocama pendula(茜草科)的生殖生物学

岛屿植物为进化和生态学的研究提供了特殊的机会。在田间和温室研究中,我们描述了加那利群岛特有的 Plocama pendula 的模型生殖系统。该物种具有复杂且不立即明显的生殖系统。授粉是生物的,所有的花在形态上都是雌雄同体的,但一半的植物特征性地开花带有花蜜,雌蕊带有反折的柱头裂片和无花粉的花药(即它们在功能上是雌花)。另一半花无花蜜,花粉丰富,雌蕊全大,大部分有不反折的柱头裂片(即它们是雌雄同体的花,主要作为雄性发挥作用)。然而,实验表明这些带有花粉的花是自交的。因此,功能性雄花具有允许在有限情况下自交的繁殖系统,但功能性雄花产生的果实远少于功能性雌花。由于形态上雌雄异株,功能上主要是雌雄异株的花朵,有时能够自交,因此该物种的生殖系统在许多方面都可以被贴上“漏水”的标签。因此,我们提出 P. pendula 已经在新的栖息地定居并在大量种群中持续存在,至少部分原因是它表现出的生殖系统是成功平衡殖民化、建立和持久性的经常冲突的进化需求的模型。由于形态上雌雄异株,功能上主要是雌雄异株的花朵,有时能够自交,因此该物种的生殖系统在许多方面都可以被贴上“漏水”的标签。因此,我们提出 P. pendula 已经在新的栖息地定居并在大量种群中持续存在,至少部分原因是它表现出的生殖系统是成功平衡殖民化、建立和持久性的经常冲突的进化需求的模型。由于形态上雌雄异株,功能上主要是雌雄异株的花朵,有时能够自交,因此该物种的生殖系统在许多方面都可以被贴上“漏水”的标签。因此,我们提出 P. pendula 已经在新的栖息地定居并在大量种群中持续存在,至少部分原因是它表现出的生殖系统是成功平衡殖民化、建立和持久性的经常冲突的进化需求的模型。