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Gender, love and recognition in I Love Dick and The Other Woman
European Journal of Women's Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-27 , DOI: 10.1177/1350506821995911
Camilla Schwartz 1 , Rita Felski 1

How might the idea of recognition offer a fresh slant on contemporary women’s writing? In this essay, we bring theories of recognition into dialogue with two literary works: Chris Kraus’s widely reviewed memoir I Love Dick and The Other Woman by the well-regarded Swedish novelist Therese Bohman. Our analysis focuses on recognition within the texts as well as its relevance to relations between texts and readers. We seek to clarify how attitudes to heterosexual love, feminism and same-sex identification are entangled and the broader implications of such entanglements. We are interested in how the protagonists engage the world as readers and the role of literature in shaping their identifications and attachments. Yet, a comparative analysis can also bring to light how a feminist habitus is predicated on class and education, suggesting that these two texts may invite rather different experiences of recognition.



认可的观念如何使当代女性的写作焕然一新?在本文中,我们将认可理论与两篇文学作品进行对话:克里斯·克劳斯(Chris Kraus)广受好评的回忆录《我爱迪克》《另一个女人》由著名的瑞典小说家特蕾莎·波曼(Therese Bohman)创作。我们的分析重点在于文本中的识别以及文本与读者之间关系的相关性。我们试图阐明对异性恋爱,女权主义和同性认同的态度是如何纠缠的,以及这种纠缠的更广泛含义。我们对主角如何以读者的身份参与世界以及文学在塑造其身份和依恋方面的作用感兴趣。然而,比较分析也可以揭示女权主义习俗是如何基于阶级和教育的,这表明这两种文本可能会带来截然不同的认可经历。
