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Future study of textile industry in Iran using the MICMAC and soft operational research methods
Foresight ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1108/fs-02-2020-0017
Mohammad Reza Fathi , Seyed Mohammad Sobhani , Mohammad Hasan Maleki , Gholamreza Jandaghi


This study aims to formulate exploratory scenarios of the textile industry in Iran based on MICMAC and soft operational research methods.


In this study, to formulate plausible scenarios, literature reviews and external experts’ opinions of this field have been gathered through the Delphi approach and uncertainty questionnaires. After the utilization of the most important uncertainties, the textile industry’s plausible scenarios have been mapped with the help of experts through co-thinking workshops. Results show that two factors, including the business atmosphere and membership in World Trade Organization (WTO), play a more important role than the other factors. These two factors were considered for the formulation of the scenario. To formulate plausible scenarios, soft systems methodology, which is a kind of soft operational research methods, is applied.


Based on the results, four scenarios are presented. These scenarios include the Elysium scenario, Hades scenario, Tatarus scenario and Sisyphus scenario. In the Elysium scenario, the business atmosphere has improved and Iran has been granted membership of the WTO. In Hades scenario, Iran has joined the WTO, but due to the government’s weakness and inactivity and key decision-makers, the required preparations have not been made. In the Tatarus scenario, Iran is not a WTO member and the business atmosphere is disastrous. In the Sisyphus scenario, the government takes reasonable actions toward a better business environment.


Formulating plausible scenarios of the textile industry is an excellent contribution to the key beneficiaries and actors of this industry so they can present flexible preparation-based programs in the face of circumstances. Future study of the textile industry familiarizes the actors and beneficiaries of this industry with the procedures and the driving forces that influence this industry’s future and it will ascertain various scenarios for the actors of this field.


使用 MICMAC 和软运筹学方法对伊朗纺织业的未来研究


本研究旨在基于 MICMAC 和软运营研究方法制定伊朗纺织业的探索性情景。




根据结果​​,提出了四种情况。这些场景包括极乐世界场景、哈迪斯场景、塔塔罗斯场景和西西弗斯场景。在 Elysium 情景中,商业氛围有所改善,伊朗已被授予 WTO 成员资格。在哈迪斯情景中,伊朗加入了世贸组织,但由于政府的软弱和不作为以及关键决策者的作用,还没有做好必要的准备工作。在 Tatarus 情景中,伊朗不是 WTO 成员,商业氛围是灾难性的。在西西弗斯情景中,政府采取合理行动以改善商业环境。


