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Securing olive oil quality - OLEUM project
Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3510_7.x

Tullia Gallina Toschi, Alessandra Bendini and Enrico Valli from the University of Bologna explain the details of the OLEUM project. It aims to develop innovative analytical techniques and tools, as well as to revise the existing ones, with the goal to better guarantee olive oil quality and authenticity.

Olive oil is one of the most consumed oils around the world due to its unique sensory qualities and high nutritional value. Exactly for these reasons, like other high value food products, it is a target for fraudulent activities. The European Union produces around 70% of the olive oil in the world and it is reported that the adulteration of olive oil has become one of Europe's biggest sources of agricultural fraud.

Over the past few years, the European Union has taken considerable measures to counteract olive oil fraud. It is crucial to continually update and improve the analytical and regulatory frameworks to stay always one step ahead of fraudsters. There are many types of olive oil frauds that have been identified in EU over the years. The most common ones are (i) illegal blending of extra virgin olive oils (EVVOs) with undeclared lower categories of olive oils, (ii) blending with other vegetable oils, (ii) mislabeling and (iii) false geographical origin.


确保橄榄油质量 - OLEUM 项目

来自博洛尼亚大学的 Tullia Gallina Toschi、Alessandra Bendini 和 Enrico Valli 解释了 OLEUM 项目的细节。它旨在开发创新的分析技术和工具,并修改现有的,以更好地保证橄榄油的质量和真实性

由于其独特的感官品质和高营养价值,橄榄油是世界上消费量最大的油之一。正是由于这些原因,就像其他高价值食品一样,它是欺诈活动的目标。欧盟生产了世界上约 70% 的橄榄油,据报道,橄榄油掺假已成为欧洲最大的农业欺诈来源之一。

在过去的几年中,欧盟采取了相当多的措施来打击橄榄油欺诈行为。不断更新和改进分析和监管框架以始终领先欺诈者一步至关重要。多年来,欧盟发现了多种类型的橄榄油欺诈行为。最常见的是 (i) 将特级初榨橄榄油 (EVVO) 与未申报的低级橄榄油非法混合,(ii) 与其他植物油混合,(ii) 贴错标签和 (iii) 虚假地理来源。
