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In the Mean Time: Temporal Colonization and the Mexican American Literary Tradition by Erin Murrah-Mandril (review)
Western American Literature ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26
Guadalupe Escobar

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • In the Mean Time: Temporal Colonization and the Mexican American Literary Tradition by Erin Murrah-Mandril
  • Guadalupe Escobar
Erin Murrah-Mandril, In the Mean Time: Temporal Colonization and the Mexican American Literary Tradition. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2020. 186 pp. Hardcover, $50; e-book, $47.50.

In the Mean Time treats early Mexican American literature in relation to forms of time. Building on the work of Latinx scholars such as María Cotera, Marissa López, José Aranda, Rodrigo Lazo, and Jesse Alemán, Erin Murrah-Mandril considers four Mexican American authors: María Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Miguel Antonio Otero, Adina De Zavala, and Jovita González. Her analysis and historiography of recovered Chicanx texts, produced between 1880 and 1945, excavates how the United States weaponized time as a colonizing trick to dispossess, silence, and disenfranchise Mexicanorigin subjects following the US–Mexican War (1846–48), by which Mexico transferred nearly half of its northern territory to the United States. The book's title draws attention to the language of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that resulted in a traumatic process of exclusion: the delayed full citizenship of Mexican Americans. Grounding her argument in border studies, Murrah-Mandril reveals how "the mean time is more than a historical period; it is a mode of colonial domination—both the process of disenfranchisement and the rhetoric used to justify that process" (4).

The first half of the study is devoted to the material logic behind the coloniality of time. Chapter 1 situates different forms of time (legal, transactional) in the nineteenth-century novel The Squatter and the Don by prominent Mexican American author María Amparo Ruiz de Burton within the context of US railroad systems [End Page 391] transforming time through its standardization. Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin, it articulates a reconceptualization of community and political economies through the homogenization of capitalist time. Ruiz de Burton's novel is typically read as resisting US expansionism involving the gradual loss of Californio property and legal standing in the wake of the 1848 Treaty, even as it problematically engages with "genealogies of ethnicity," as Silvio Torres-Saillant has shown, by aligning the central patriarch, Don Mariano, with inherited land and social advantages from Spanish and Mexican governments at the expense of Indigenous removal and subjugation. Murrah-Mandril instead interprets The Squatter and the Don as "an attempt to grapple with the US colonization of time, because time is the medium through which racialization occurs" (28).

Chapter 2 focuses on the cultural work of Miguel Antonio Otero, the first Nuevomexicano territorial governor of New Mexico (1897–1906) predating its official statehood in 1912, and author of My Life on the Frontier (1935, 1939), My Nine Years as Governor (1940), and The Real Billy the Kid: With New Light on the Lincoln County War (1936 [1998]). It highlights how Otero regarded Nuevomexicano identity not as "foreign" but "native" in his writings, recalling the positionality of "foreigners in their own land," à la Juan Seguín. Murrah-Mandril demonstrates that "Otero's attempts to modernize New Mexico to meet Anglo American social and economic demands never admitted him or New Mexico into the fold of US modernity because modernist US political and literary representations of New Mexico and Nuevomexicanos continued to place them outside the temporal flow of modern historical subjectivity" (51).

The remainder of the book delves more deeply into temporary ideologies to complicate the facile binary of presence/absence. Chapter 3 investigates how Adina De Zavala's History and Legends of the Alamo (1917) disrupts US modernity's sense of the past and glorification of Anglo Texan superiority by engaging in notions of inheritance linked to those absent and those ignored. Dubbed the "Angel of the Alamo" for her Texan preservation efforts, Adina De Zavala was the granddaughter of Lorenzo de Zavala, a Mexican statesman who contributed to drafting the Mexican Constitution of 1824 as well as the Constitution of the Republic of [End Page 392] Texas. Murrah-Mandril convincingly contends that "by inserting herself into the archive and into relationships with specters of the archive, De Zavala opens herself to a new subjectivity outside the linear time of debt and restitution...


与此同时:Erin Murrah-Mandril的时间殖民与墨裔美国人的文学传统(评论)



  • 在此同时期:艾琳·穆拉·曼德里尔(Erin Murrah-Mandril)的时间殖民与墨裔美国文学传统
  • 瓜达卢佩埃斯科巴尔
艾琳·穆拉·曼德里尔(Erin Murrah-Mandril),《同时期:时间殖民与墨西哥裔美国人的文学传统》。林肯:内布拉斯加州大学,2020年。186页,精装书,50美元;电子书,47.50美元。

同时对待与时间形式有关的早期墨西哥裔美国文学。Erin Murrah-Mandril以玛丽亚·科特拉(MaríaCotera),玛丽莎·洛佩斯(MarissaLópez),何塞·阿兰达(JoséAranda),罗德里戈·拉佐(Rodrigo Lazo)和杰西·阿莱曼(JesseAlemán)等拉丁文学家的作品为基础,考虑了四位墨西哥裔美国人:玛丽亚·安帕罗·鲁伊斯·德伯顿(MaríaAmparo Ruiz de Burton),米格尔·安东尼奥·奥特罗(Miguel Antonio Otero),阿迪娜·德萨瓦拉(Adina De Zavala)和乔维塔·冈萨雷斯(JovitaGonzález)。她对1880年至1945年间出版的Chicanx文本进行的分析和历史记录,揭示了美国如何利用时间作为殖民地把戏,作为对美墨战争(1846-48)之后墨西哥原住民的剥夺,沉默和剥夺公民权的手段。将其近一半的北部领土转移到了美国。该书的标题提请注意1848年《瓜达卢佩·伊达尔戈条约》所使用的语言,该语言导致了令人痛苦的排斥过程:墨西哥裔美国人的正式公民身份被延迟。穆拉·曼德里尔(Murrah-Mandril)在边境研究中提出了自己的论据,揭示了“平均时间不仅仅是一个历史时期;它是殖民统治的一种模式—剥夺公民权的过程和用来证明这一过程合理化的言辞”(4)。

研究的前半部分致力于时间殖民性背后的物质逻辑。第1章在美国铁路系统的背景下,由墨西哥裔著名作家玛丽亚·安帕罗·鲁伊斯·德·伯顿(MaríaAmparo Ruiz de Burton)撰写的19世纪小说《 Squ屋与唐》中的时间形式(法律,交易时间)处于不同的位置[结束第391页]通过其标准化来改变时间。它借鉴了米哈伊尔·巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin),通过资本主义时间的均质化阐明了社区和政治经济的重新概念化。鲁伊斯·德·伯顿的小说通常被理解为抵制美国的扩张主义,因为在1848年条约生效后,加利福尼亚州的财产和法律地位逐渐丧失,尽管这与西尔维奥·托雷斯·塞兰特(Silvio Torres-Saillant)所表明的那样,与“族谱”存在问题。使中央族长唐·马里亚诺(Don Mariano)与西班牙和墨西哥政府继承的土地和社会优势保持一致,但以土著居民的移居和征服为代价。Murrah-Mandril则解释为The The Squatter and the Don作为“试图解决美国对时间的殖民化的尝试,因为时间是种族化发生的媒介”(28)。

第2章着重于Miguel Antonio Otero的文化工作,Miguel Antonio Otero是新墨西哥州第一任新州(1897-1906)州长,在1912年正式建国之前,并在《我的边境上的生活》1935,1939),《我的九年》书中撰文。州长(1940)和《真正的比利小子:林肯县战争的新亮点》(1936 [1998])。它突显了奥特罗在他的著作中如何将努沃梅西卡纳诺的身份视为“外国人”而不是“本国人”,并回顾了“外国人在他们自己的土地上”的地位,胡安·塞金(La JuanSeguín)。Murrah-Mandril展示了“ Otero”现代性是因为美国对新墨西哥州和新墨西哥州的现代政治和文学表现形式继续将它们置于现代历史主体性的时空之外”(51)。

该书的其余部分更深入地研究了临时意识形态,以使存在/不在场的便捷二进制复杂化。第三章研究了阿迪纳·德·扎瓦拉的《阿拉莫历史和传说》(1917年)如何通过参与与那些缺席和被忽略的遗产相关的观念,破坏了美国现代性的过去感和对盎格鲁德克萨斯人优越性的美化。阿迪娜·德·萨瓦拉(Adina De Zavala)因其得克萨斯州保存工作而被称为“阿拉莫天使”,是墨西哥政治家洛伦佐·德·萨瓦拉(Lorenzo de Zavala)的孙女,他为起草1824年墨西哥宪法和共和国宪法做出了贡献。[完第392页] ]得克萨斯州。穆拉·曼德里尔(Murrah-Mandril)令人信服地辩称,“通过扎根于档案馆并与档案馆幽灵建立关系,De Zavala在债务和赔偿的线性时期之外,使自己对新的主观性开放……
