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Spatiotemporal patterns and impact of a cyclone on the zooplankton community structure in a brackish coastal lagoon
Regional Studies in Marine Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101743
Suchismita Srichandan , Lipika Tarafdar , Pradipta R. Muduli , Gurdeep Rastogi

Zooplankton communities in response to hydrological (salinity, turbidity, water temperature, nitrate, phosphate, silicate) and biological (phytoplankton density) variables were studied in the Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon, Chilika (India). Water samples were collected from 13 stations on a monthly frequency between July 2014–June 2015. A total of 141 species of holoplankton including Ciliophora, Foraminifera, Rotifera, Rhizopoda, Gastropoda, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Malacostraca, Chaetognatha, Chordata, Nematoda, and 18 types of planktonic larvae were identified. Copepods were the most dominant and diverse zooplankton in terms of their species richness, numerical abundance, and widespread distribution in the lagoon. The major holoplanktonic taxa were Acartia sp., Acrocalanus gibber, Acrocalanus gracilis, Acrocalanus longicornis, Euterpina acutifrons, Lecane sp., Oithona sp., Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatus, and Tintinnopsis tubulosa. The dominant planktonic larvae were bivalve veliger, copepod nauplii, cyphonautes larvae, gastropod veliger, and protozoea of lucifer. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that distribution of zooplankton assemblages was influenced by salinity, turbidity, and phytoplankton density. Indicator analysis demarcated 26 indicator zooplankton taxa. Of these, the most prominent indicator zooplankton such as Belzebub hanseni, Mesopodopsis orientalis, Chydorus sphaericus, and Corycaeus catus were characteristic to salinity gradient in southern sector, sediment resuspension in central sector, eutrophic conditions in northern sector, and tide-induced intrusion of marine forms in outer channel, respectively. Hudhud, a category 4 cyclone resulted decline in the abundances of zooplankton population. Copepod nauplii and copepodites were dominant during post-Hudhud and their succession was linked to the increased phytoplankton density due to an upsurge in the nutrient level in the northern sector of the lagoon. The present study provided a comprehensive detail on the zooplankton composition and their environmental drivers including the impact of a tropical cyclone from a tropical coastal lagoon system.



在亚洲最大的咸水泻湖奇利卡(印度)研究了响应水文(盐度,浊度,水温,硝酸盐,磷酸盐,硅酸盐)和生物(浮游植物密度)变量的浮游动物群落。在2014年7月至2015年6月期间,每月从13个站点采集水样。共计141种浮游生物,包括纤毛虫,有孔虫,轮虫,根茎纲,腹足纲,角须纲,足足纲,纲纲纲,Malacostraca,Chaetognatha,Chordata,Nematoda,鉴定出18种浮游幼虫。就其种类丰富,数量丰富和在泻湖中广泛分布而言,terms足类是最主要和最多样化的浮游动物。主要的全层浮游生物分类群是A属,Acrocalanus gibberAcrocalanus gracilisAcrocalanus longicornisEuterpina acutifronsLecane sp。,Oithona sp。,Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatusTintinnopsis tubulosa。优势浮游幼虫为双壳类贝类,co足无节幼体,食蟹类幼虫,腹足类贝类和萤光虫原生动物。典型的对应分析表明,浮游动物组合的分布受盐度,浊度和浮游植物密度的影响。指标分析划定了26个指标浮游生物类群。其中,最突出的指示性浮游动物,例如汉塞贝尔(Belzebub hanseni)侧柏Mesopodopsis Orientalis)南部的盐度梯度,中部的沉积物重悬,北部的富营养化条件以及潮汐引起的海洋形态在外河道中的入侵都导致了金眼藻(Chydorus sphaericus)和疣猴(Corycaeus catus)的特征。Hudhud,第4类飓风,导致浮游动物种群数量减少。桡足类无节幼体和copepodites后期间主导Hudhud它们的演替与泻湖北部地区养分水平高涨所导致的浮游植物密度增加有关。本研究提供了浮游动物组成及其环境驱动因素的全面详细信息,包括热带沿海泻湖系统对热带气旋的影响。
