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Homelessness, social exclusion and health: Global perspectives, local solutions. Fiona Cuthill Edinburgh: Dunedin Press, 2019. ISBN: 9781780460710; £13.79 (Pbk)
Social Policy & Administration ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1111/spol.12698
Oliver Bowling 1

As a senior lecturer in Nursing Studies at the University of Edinburgh, Academic Director for the Centre for Homeless and Inclusion Health in the School of Health in Social Science, and a registered Nurse, the academic and professional experience of Fiona Cuthill places her perfectly to write a key text which synthesises research on experiences and policy solutions to connections between homelessness and health. Her first book is an accessible but highly informative journey through the academic and policy landscape of citizens and migrants experiencing homelessness and associated health and wellbeing issues.

Across this 27th edition of the Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care series, the book aims to frame homelessness as a consequence of globalization but which can be resolved through local policy initiatives. Unlike many books on homelessness, Cuthill draws an intersectional approach throughout the book that brings together the experiences of both local citizens and migrant homelessness to provide an inclusive approach to the subject. This ensures that more marginal experiences are given consideration with sections dedicated to young people, or women experiencing migration and homelessness and the specific issues faced by them. This is brought to life throughout the book with extracts from research by the author and of testimonies by individuals with lived experiences of homelessness which add depth and provide further context.

One of the primary strands to Cuthill's thesis is that the impact of neoliberal global forces has a negative impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness. Throughout the book, the argument draws together literature on the causes of migration and the transition into homelessness due to political and legal frameworks. Cuthill makes the connection between the experiences of migrant homelessness and ‘citizen’ homelessness as outsiders and introduces Bauman's (2007) theoretical work on liquid modernity and the production of demarcated strangers that are powerless to the global forces that affect their health and wellbeing. From this position, the book discusses more localized policy issues: the status of undocumented migrants and the structural violence committed by national governments; the prevalence of substance use amongst people experiencing homelessness in Scotland; and policy initiatives to assist people to move towards a lifestyle that presents less risks to the individual. Cuthill introduces Housing First as a key policy initiative to reduce homelessness, linking the development of the initiative to the work of Anthony Giddens on ontological security, positing that explorations into the meaning and production of ‘home’ can provide lasting solutions to homelessness for both migrants and citizens.

An interesting aspect of the book is the inclusion of a ‘guest’ chapter written by Neil Hamlet and Katy Hetherington, NHS Public Health Consultant and Lead for child and adolescent public health at NHS Health Scotland respectively. The chapter details what is meant by a public health response and how in Scotland homelessness has been reframed within the national policy sphere as a public health issue. This fairly descriptive chapter acts as a case example of how policy can be reframed to interrogate issues and produce effective solutions. A conversation with Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr. Adam Burley illuminates trauma and trauma informed work as providing insight into positive changes for people experiencing homelessness. When social policy texts are often produced by experts from academia, these chapters provide a change in format within the book and serve to allow the reader the opportunity to engage with specialists and expert practitioners.

The book provides an excellent introduction to research on the causes and effects of homelessness but it may lack the depth that some readers with expertise in this discipline may be searching for. However, the book is extremely accessible both in terms of content and length. There is a certain level of assumed knowledge of terminology and some vocabulary specific to health care and abbreviations that are not explained which could be lost on some readers, but this does not detract from what is a thought-provoking text. The book will be an especially helpful reference point for stakeholders within the medical and housing fields who are new to the topic of inclusion health given its increasing prominence in policy agendas.


无家可归、社会排斥和健康:全球视角、本地解决方案。Fiona Cuthill 爱丁堡:但尼丁出版社,2019 年。ISBN:9781780460710;13.79 英镑(包)

作为爱丁堡大学护理学高级讲师、社会科学学院无家可归者和包容性健康中心学术主任和注册护士,Fiona Cuthill 的学术和专业经验使她非常适合写作一本综合研究无家可归与健康之间联系的经验和政策解决方案的关键文本。她的第一本书是一本通俗易懂但内容丰富的旅程,介绍了经历无家可归和相关健康和福祉问题的公民和移民的学术和政策格局。

在第 27 版的《健康和社会关怀政策与实践》系列中,该书旨在将无家可归现象描述为全球化的结果,但可以通过当地政策举措解决。与许多关于无家可归问题的书籍不同,Cuthill 在整本书中采用了一种交叉方法,将当地公民和移民无家可归者的经历结合在一起,为该主题提供了一种包容性的方法。这确保在专门针对年轻人或经历移民和无家可归的妇女以及他们面临的具体问题的部分中考虑更多边缘体验。通过作者的研究和无家可归经历的个人的证词,这在整本书中都栩栩如生,从而增加了深度并提供了进一步的背景。

Cuthill 论文的主要内容之一是,新自由主义全球力量的影响对那些无家可归者的生活产生了负面影响。在整本书中,该论点汇集了有关移民原因以及由于政治和法律框架导致无家可归的原因的文献。Cuthill 将移民无家可归的经历与作为局外人的“公民”无家可归的经历联系起来,并介绍了 Bauman (2007) 关于流动现代性和对影响他们的健康和福祉的全球力量无能为力的划定陌生人的产生的理论工作。从这个角度,本书讨论了更多地方化的政策问题:无证移民的地位和国家政府犯下的结构性暴力;苏格兰无家可归者中物质使用的普遍性;和政策举措,以帮助人们转向对个人风险较小的生活方式。Cuthill 将“住房优先”作为一项减少无家可归的关键政策举措,将该举措的发展与安东尼·吉登斯 (Anthony Giddens) 在本体安全方面的工作联系起来,假设对“家”的含义和生产的探索可以为双方移民提供持久的无家可归解决方案和公民。

这本书的一个有趣的方面是包括由 Neil Hamlet 和 Katy Hetherington 撰写的“客座”章节,他们分别是 NHS 公共卫生顾问和 NHS Health Scotland 儿童和青少年公共卫生负责人。本章详细介绍了公共卫生应对措施的含义,以及苏格兰的无家可归者如何在国家政策领域内被重新定义为公共卫生问题。这个相当描述性的章节是一个案例,说明如何重新制定政策以询问问题并产生有效的解决方案。与顾问临床心理学家 Adam Burley 博士的对话阐明了创伤和创伤知情工作为无家可归者的积极变化提供了洞察力。当社会政策文本通常由学术界专家编写时,

