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The Lincolnshire Rebellion of 1470 Revisited
The English Historical Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1093/ehr/ceab030
Penny Tucker 1

The Lincolnshire rebellion of 1470 lasted little more than a week, ending in the rout of the rebels by the king, Edward IV. Despite its extreme brevity, it was important, as it spelled the end of any hope of a reconciliation between the king and the man who hitherto been his leading supporter, the earl of Warwick (‘the Kingmaker’). The rebellion is generally believed to have been instigated, or at least exploited once it had begun, by Warwick with the aim of replacing King Edward with his younger brother, the duke of Clarence. The argument of this article is that historians have been led astray by an apparently authoritative royalist account of events, supported by what purports to be the confession of the rebel leader, but is not. Using other evidence it can be demonstrated that, of the several possible interpretations of the causes of the rebellion, the presently dominant one is the least likely to be correct. The interpretation of what happened that best fits the evidence is that the king exploited, and may even have himself provoked, the rebellion. His attitude towards the earlier attempt at a reconciliation with Warwick and Clarence helps to explain why he experienced so many problems in the first decade of his reign.


重新审视 1470 年的林肯郡起义

1470 年的林肯郡叛乱持续了一周多一点,最终以国王爱德华四世的溃败而告终。尽管它极其简短,但它很重要,因为它标志着国王与迄今为止一直是他的主要支持者沃里克伯爵(“造王者”)之间和解的希望破灭。人们普遍认为,叛乱是由沃里克煽动的,或者至少是在开始后利用的,目的是用他的弟弟克拉伦斯公爵取代爱德华国王。这篇文章的论点是,历史学家被显然是权威的保皇派事件描述误入歧途,并得到了声称是反叛领袖的供词的支持,但事实并非如此。使用其他证据可以证明,在对叛乱原因的几种可能解释中,目前占主导地位的解释最不可能是正确的。对所发生事件的最符合证据的解释是,国王利用,甚至可能自己挑起了叛乱。他对早先尝试与沃里克和克拉伦斯和解的态度有助于解释为什么他在统治的前十年遇到了如此多的问题。