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Rank-deficient representations in the theta correspondence over finite fields arise from quantum codes
Representation Theory ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.1090/ert/563
Felipe Montealegre-Mora , David Gross

Abstract:Let $ V$ be a symplectic vector space and let $ \mu $ be the oscillator representation of $ \operatorname {Sp}(V)$. It is natural to ask how the tensor power representation $ \mu ^{\otimes t}$ decomposes. If $ V$ is a real vector space, then the theta correspondence asserts that there is a one-one correspondence between the irreducible subrepresentations of $ \operatorname {Sp}(V)$ and the irreps of an orthogonal group $ O(t)$. It is well-known that this duality fails over finite fields. Addressing this situation, Gurevich and Howe have recently assigned a notion of rank to each $ \operatorname {Sp}(V)$ representation. They show that a variant of the Theta correspondence continues to hold over finite fields, if one restricts attention to subrepresentations of maximal rank. The nature of the rank-deficient components was left open. Here, we show that all rank-deficient $ \operatorname {Sp}(V)$-subrepresentations arise from embeddings of lower-order tensor products of $ \mu $ and $ \bar \mu $ into $ \mu ^{\otimes t}$. The embeddings live on spaces that have been studied in quantum information theory as tensor powers of self-orthogonal Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) quantum codes. We then find that the irreducible $ \operatorname {Sp}(V)$-subrepresentations of $ \mu ^{\otimes t}$ are labelled by the irreps of orthogonal groups $ O(r)$ acting on certain $ r$-dimensional spaces for $ r\leq t$. The results hold in odd charachteristic and the ``stable range'' $ t\leq \frac 12 \dim V$. Our work has implications for the representation theory of the Clifford group. It can be thought of as a generalization of the known characterization of the invariants of the Clifford group in terms of self-dual codes.



摘要:设$ V $是辛向量空间,让$ \亩$振荡器表示的。很自然地问张量幂表示如何分解。如果是实向量空间,则theta对应关系断言在的不可约子表示与正交组的irrep之间存在一一对应关系。众所周知,这种对偶性在有限域上失效。针对这种情况,Gurevich和Howe最近为每个人分配了等级概念 $ \ operatorname {Sp}(V)$ $ \ mu ^ {\ otimest} $$ V $ $ \ operatorname {Sp}(V)$$ O(t)$ $ \ operatorname {Sp}(V)$表示。他们表明,如果将Theta对应关系的一种变体继续限制在有限域上,即使人们将注意力集中在最大秩的子表示上。排名不足的组件的性质是开放的。在这里,我们表明,所有秩亏-subrepresentations从较低阶张量产品的嵌入出现和进入。嵌入生活在空间中,该空间在量子信息论中已被研究为自正交Calderbank-Shor-Steane(CSS)量子码的张量。然后,我们发现的不可约子表示由作用于特定维空间的正交基团的irrep标记为 $ \ operatorname {Sp}(V)$$ \亩$$ \ bar \ mu $ $ \ mu ^ {\ otimest} $ $ \ operatorname {Sp}(V)$ $ \ mu ^ {\ otimest} $$ O(r)$$ r $$ r \ leq t $。结果具有奇特特征和``稳定范围'' 。我们的工作对克利福德集团的表征理论具有启示意义。可以认为这是根据自对偶编码对Clifford组不变量的已知特征的概括。 $ t \ leq \ frac 12 \ dim V $