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Syn- and post-eruptive gully formation near the Laacher See volcano
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.5119
Max Engel 1 , Markus Dotterweich 2 , Alexander Fülling 3 , Dominik Brill 4 , Manuela Broisch‐Höhner 5 , Ralf Totschnig 6 , Sirri Seren 6 , Martin Kehl 4

The Laacher See volcano (LSV) is located at the western margin of the Neuwied Basin, the central part of the Middle Rhine Basin of Germany. Its paroxysmal Plinian eruption c. 13 ka ago (Laacher See event; LSE) deposited a complex tephra sequence in the Neuwied Basin, whilst the distal ashes became one of the most important chronostratigraphic markers in Central Europe. However, some other impacts on landscape formation have thus far been largely neglected, such as buried gully structures in the proximity of the LSV. In this contribution, we map and discuss the spatial extent of these landforms at the site Lungenkärchen c. 4 km south of the LSV based on geophysical prospection as well as contrasting pedo-sedimentary characteristics of the gully infill (particle-size distribution, bulk-sediment density, thin-section analysis, saturated hydraulic conductivity) and the surrounding soils and tephra layers. These data are combined with a luminescence- and carbon-14 (14C)-based age model that relates them to the LSE. It is demonstrated how these gullies seem to have been formed and rapidly infilled by rainfall and surface discharge both during and subsequent to the eruptive phase, with modern analog processes documented for the 1980 Mount St Helens eruption (Washington State, USA). Given the density of the gullies at the site and their deviating pedo-sedimentary properties compared to the surrounding soils, we propose a significant influence on agricultural production in the proximity of the LSV, which remains to be tested in future studies. Finally, in contrast, gullies of similar lateral and vertical dimensions identified in post-LSE reworked loess and tephra deposits of the Wingertsbergwand (close to the main study site and proximal to the LSV) have shown to be unrelated to the LSE and can either be attributed to periglacial processes at the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition or to linear incision during the early Holocene.


Laacher See 火山附近的同期和喷发后沟壑形成

Laacher See 火山 (LSV) 位于德国莱茵河中游盆地中部的新维德盆地西缘。它的阵发性普林尼式火山喷发Ç。13 ka 前(Laacher See 事件;LSE)在 Neuwied 盆地沉积了一个复杂的火山灰层序,而远端灰烬成为中欧最重要的年代地层标志之一。然而,迄今为止,对景观形成的一些其他影响在很大程度上被忽视了,例如 LSV 附近的掩埋沟壑结构。在这篇文章中,我们绘制并讨论了 Lungenkärchen c站点的这些地貌的空间范围。. 基于地球物理勘探以及沟壑填充物(粒度分布、堆积沉积物密度、薄片分析、饱和导水率)与周围土壤和火山灰层的对比土壤沉积特征,位于 LSV 以南 4 公里处。这些数据与发光和碳 14 ( 14C) 基于年龄模型,将他们与 LSE 相关联。证明了这些沟壑似乎是如何在喷发阶段期间和之后被降雨和地表放电形成并迅速填满的,现代模拟过程记录了 1980 年圣海伦斯火山喷发(美国华盛顿州)。考虑到现场沟渠的密度以及与周围土壤相比,它们偏离的土壤沉积特性,我们建议对 LSV 附近的农业生产产生重大影响,这在未来的研究中仍有待测试。最后,相比之下,