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Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores
Biodiversity Data Journal ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.3897/bdj.9.e61909
Ana I Azevedo Neto 1 , Manuela I Parente 2 , Eva Cacabelos 1, 3 , Ana Cristina Costa 2 , Andrea Zita Botelho 2 , Enric Ballesteros 4 , Sandra Monteiro 2 , Roberto Resendes 5 , Pedro Afonso 6 , Afonso C L Prestes 1 , Rita F Patarra 1, 7 , Nuno V Álvaro 8 , David Mila-Figueras 6 , Raul M A Neto 9 , José M N Azevedo 1 , Ignacio Moreu 1

Background The algal flora of the Island of Santa Maria (eastern group of the Azores archipelago) has attracted interest of researchers on past occasions (Drouët 1866, Agardh 1870, Trelease 1897, Schmidt 1931, Ardré et al. 1974, Fralick and Hehre 1990, Neto et al. 1991, Morton and Britton 2000, Amen et al. 2005, Wallenstein and Neto 2006, Tittley et al. 2009, Wallenstein et al. 2009a, Wallenstein et al. 2010, Botelho et al. 2010, Torres et al. 2010, León-Cisneros et al. 2011, Martins et al. 2014, Micael et al. 2014, Rebelo et al. 2014, Ávila et al. 2015, Ávila et al. 2016, Machín-Sánchez et al. 2016, Uchman et al. 2016, Johnson et al. 2017, Parente et al. 2018). Nevertheless, the Island macroalgal flora is not well-known as published information reflects limited collections obtained in short-term visits by scientists. To overcome this, a thorough investigation, encompassing collections and presence data recording, was undertaken at both the littoral and sublittoral levels down to a depth of approximately 40 m, covering an area of approximately 64 km2. The resultant taxonomic records are listed in the present paper which also provides information on species ecology and occurrence around the Island, improving, thereby, the knowledge of the Azorean macroalgal flora at both local and regional scales. New information A total of 2329 specimens (including some taxa identified only to genus level) belonging to 261 taxa of macroalgae are registered, comprising 152 Rhodophyta, 43 Chlorophyta and 66 Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae). Of these, 174 were identified to species level (102 Rhodophyta, 29 Chlorophyta and 43 Ochrophyta), encompassing 52 new records for the Island (30 Rhodophyta, 9 Chlorophyta and 13 Ochrophyta), 2 Macaronesian endemics (Laurencia viridis Gil-Rodríguez & Haroun; and Millerella tinerfensis (Seoane-Camba) S.M.Boo & J.M.Rico), 10 introduced (the Rhodophyta Acrothamnion preissii (Sonder) E.M.Wollaston, Antithamnion hubbsii E.Y.Dawson, Asparagopsis armata Harvey, Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, Melanothamnus harveyi (Bailey) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs, Scinaia acuta M.J.Wynne and Symphyocladia marchantioides (Harvey) Falkenberg; the Chlorophyta Codium fragile subsp. fragile (Suringar) Hariot; and the Ochrophyta Hydroclathrus tilesii (Endlicher) Santiañez & M.J.Wynne, and Papenfussiella kuromo (Yendo) Inagaki) and 18 species of uncertain status (11 Rhodophyta, 3 Chlorophyta and 4 Ochrophyta).



背景 圣玛丽亚岛(亚速尔群岛东部群)的藻类植物区系过去曾引起研究人员的兴趣(Drouët 1866、Agardh 1870、Trelease 1897、Schmidt 1931、Ardré 等人 1974、Fralick 和 Hehre 1990、 Neto 等人 1991,Morton 和 Britton 2005,Wallenstein 等人 2009,Wallenstein 等人 2010,Torres 等人。 2010,León-Cisneros 等人,2014 年,Micael 等人,2014 年,Ávila 等人,2016 年,Machín-Sánchez 等人,2016 年。等人,2016 年,约翰逊等人,2017 年,帕伦特等人,2018 年)。然而,岛上的大型藻类植物区系并不为人所知,因为公布的信息反映了科学家在短期访问中获得的有限收集品。为了克服这个问题,在沿岸和亚沿岸层面进行了彻底的调查,包括收集和存在数据记录,深度约为 40 m,覆盖面积约为 64 km2。本文列出了由此产生的分类记录,该文件还提供了有关岛屿周围物种生态和发生情况的信息,从而提高了对当地和区域规模的亚速尔大型藻类植物区系的了解。新信息 共登记了 2329 个标本(包括一些仅在属级鉴定的类群),属于 261​​ 个大型藻类分类单元,其中包括 152 种红藻门、43 种绿藻门和 66 种黄藻门(褐藻纲)。 其中,174 种被鉴定为物种级别(102 种红藻门、29 种绿藻门和 43 种赭藻门),其中包括 52 种岛上新记录(30 种红藻门、9 种绿藻门和 13 种赭藻门)、2 种马卡罗尼西亚特有种(Laurencia viridis Gil-Rodríguez & Haroun; and Millerella tinerfensis (Seoane-Camba) SMBoo & JMRico), 10 introduced (the Rhodophyta Acrothamnion preissii (Sonder) EMWollaston, Antithamnion hubbsii EYDawson, Asparagopsis armata Harvey, Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, Melanothamnus harveyi (Bailey) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs, Scinaia acuta MJWynne 和 Symphyocladia marcantioides (Harvey) Falkenberg;绿藻脆弱亚种 (Suringar) Hariot;Ochrophyta Hydroclathrustilesii (Endlicher) Santiañez & MJWynne 和 Papenfussiella kuromo (Yendo) Inagaki)和 18 种状态不确定的植物(11 种红藻) 、 3 绿藻门和 4 绿藻门)。