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Entangled Alliances: North African Regionalism and the Invasion of Egypt 1798–1801
Journal of World History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25
Mukaram Hhana


This article analyzes the role of Ottoman Tripolitania and Tunis in shaping the 1798 French invasion of Egypt. Examining the Ottoman Maghreb's response to the French invasion allows us to remap the region's sociopolitical geography in two ways—first, by reincorporating Egypt back into broader Maghrebi history and by reintroducing Tunis and Tripoli into the Ottoman imperial narrative. These correctives demonstrate how historians have anachronistically imposed mid-to-late nineteenth-century colonial divisions on the turn-of-the-nineteenth-century world. By underscoring the role of the geopolitical regionalism, which was underscored by a complicated and at time conflicting web of political entanglements, we see how political actors engaged with and manipulated the ties that bound provinces together. By looking at 1798 as a regional phenomenon, we are given a lens into how-the-turn-of-the-nineteenth-century world viewed the geopolitical map of the Mediterranean.




本文分析了奥斯曼帝国的黎波里塔尼亚和突尼斯在塑造1798年方面的作用法国入侵埃及。通过研究奥斯曼·马格里布对法国入侵的反应,我们可以通过两种方式重新绘制该地区的社会政治地理图:第一,通过将埃及重新纳入更广泛的马格里比历史,以及将突尼斯和的黎波里重新引入奥斯曼的帝国叙事中。这些纠正措施表明,历史学家是如何在19世纪初的世界上不合时宜地对19世纪中后期进行殖民划分的。通过强调地缘政治区域主义的作用,这一点被复杂而有时相互冲突的政治纠缠网络所强调,我们看到了政治参与者如何参与和操纵将各省联系在一起的联系。通过观察1798 作为一种区域现象,我们可以看到19世纪的世界如何看待地中海的地缘政治地图。
