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(Dis)connected Empires: Imperial Portugal, Sri Lankan Diplomacy, and the Making of a Hapsburg Conquest in Asia by Zoltán Biedermann (review)
Journal of World History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25
Susannah Ferreira

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Reviewed by:

  • (Dis)connected Empires: Imperial Portugal, Sri Lankan Diplomacy, and the Making of a Hapsburg Conquest in Asia by Zoltán Biedermann
  • Susannah Ferreira
(Dis)connected Empires: Imperial Portugal, Sri Lankan Diplomacy, and the Making of a Hapsburg Conquest in Asia. By Zoltán Biedermann. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. xv + 255 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-882339-1. $85.00 (hardcover).

This book examines diplomatic relations between Portugal and Sri Lanka in the sixteenth century. At its heart lies the question: What [End Page 166] led to the conquest of Sri Lanka by the Hapsburg rulers of Portugal in 1597? From the outset, the author asserts that the Portuguese did not set out to colonize Sri Lanka. Instead, allegiance was pursued by successive kings of Kōṭṭe who viewed a tributary relationship with the Portuguese as a way of securing the status of cakravarti—supreme overlords of the island. By the mid-sixteenth century, the rulers of Kōṭṭe had successfully allied themselves with Portugal. But different understandings of empire, and what it means to rule, led them to miscalculate the role of the Portuguese in Sri Lanka. Through this captivating history, Zoltán Biedermann challenges the usefulness of "connectivity" as a framework for studying global history. He argues that, while connections could facilitate the global transmission of ideas, miscommunication and break downs were frequent. (Dis) Connected Empires traces the way in which cultural misunderstanding paved the way for the colonization of Sri Lanka.

Far from a simple story of European conquest and invasion, this book qualifies and complicates the story of the Portuguese in Sri Lanka. At times, a reader unfamiliar with the reigns, rulers and historical development of the two polities might be overwhelmed by the competing and overlapping narratives. But the broad chronology and detailed explanation of events are essential to Biedermann's argument: that the Iberian conquest of Sri Lanka was the outcome of a long historical process with multiple agents. To support his assertions, he draws primarily on European diplomatic correspondence and chronicles, but also makes judicious use of the extant Sri Lankan chronicles. The result is a balanced interpretation of the past.

The book opens with a careful and critical look at "connected history" and the difficulties inherent in writing global history. Although Biedermann concedes that the study of connections can be fruitful, he questions the assumption that inter-cultural communication was always successful. The second chapter describes the initial contact between the agents of the Estado da Índia and the kings of Kōṭṭe, from Lourenço de Almeida's arrival in Sri Lanka in 1506 up to the accession of Bhuvanekabāhu VII in 1521. According to Biedermann, the Portuguese did not show much initial interest in the island but "were pulled into Sri Lanka by local elites" (p. 47) who were eager to foster tributary relations with a foreign power. Chapter 3 unpacks the Lankan concept of Empire which the author likens to a set of wooden matrioshka dolls. Within this system of "nested empires" each ruler governed independently and free from interference. Biedermann outlines the expectations of the rulers of Kōṭṭe in this regard: "Outside the island, John III was expected to patrol the seas and [End Page 167] maintain resources that might be deployed to protect Kōṭṭe … Inside the island, he was expected to let go of his resources and place them under the authority of the ruler of Kōṭṭe" (p. 89). It becomes clear that this concept of nested empires, which prized ties of suzerainty, directly conflicted with the European idea of empire which fixated on sovereignty and was modelled on Imperial Rome.

Over the course of the sixteenth century, both Portugal and Kōṭṭe experienced important religious shifts. Chapter 4 explains how, in the 1540s, conversion emerged as a key diplomatic tool, used by princes and petty rulers of Sri Lanka to challenge the hegemony of Kōṭṭe. Although Bhuvanekabāhu VII (whose authority was predicated on Buddhism), refused conversion, other princes accepted baptism as a means of strengthening ties with the Portuguese. Biedermann presents the infamous looting of the Temple of Buddha's Tooth by the Portuguese in...





  • (无联系)帝国:葡萄牙帝国,斯里兰卡外交和佐尔坦·比德曼(ZoltánBiedermann)在亚洲进行的哈普斯堡征服
  • 苏珊娜·费雷拉(Susannah Ferreira)
(无联系)帝国:葡萄牙帝国,斯里兰卡外交和在亚洲进行的哈普斯堡征服。由Z oltániedermann。纽约:牛津大学出版社,2018年。xv+ 255页,ISBN 978-0-19-882339-1。$ 85.00(精装)。



这本书以审慎而批判的眼光着眼于“联系的历史”以及撰写全球历史的内在困难。尽管比德曼(Biedermann)承认对联系的研究可以取得丰硕成果,但他对跨文化交流总是成功的假设提出了质疑。第二章描述了Estado daÍndia特工与Kōṭṭe国王之间的最初接触,从1506年卢伦索·德阿尔梅达到达斯里兰卡到1521年布瓦涅卡巴胡七世加入。根据比德曼,葡萄牙语没有显示岛上最初有很多兴趣,但是“渴望被与外国势力建立朝贡关系的当地精英(第47页)吸引到斯里兰卡”。第三章介绍了兰卡帝国的概念,作者将其比作一套木制的套娃。在这个“嵌套帝国”系统中,每个统治者都是独立统治的,不受干扰。Biedermann概述了Kōṭṭe统治者在这方面的期望:“在该岛以外,预计约翰三世将在海上巡逻,[第167页]维护可能用于保护Kōṭṭe的资源……在岛上,人们希望他释放其资源,并将其置于Kōṭṭe统治者的统治之下”(第89页)。很明显,这种嵌套的帝国概念具有宗主地位的纽带,直接与以主权帝国为原型并以罗马帝国为蓝本的欧洲帝国思想相冲突。

