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Effect of hybridization parity on multiband superconductors properties
International Journal of Modern Physics B ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217979221501022
W. M. P. Ramos 1 , I. T. Padilha 2

We investigated the influence that hybridization parity has on the so-called multiband superconductors, where we proposed a model with two bands a and b. Thus, we observe the behavior of intra-band superconductivity, the one whose coupling occurs between carriers that belong to the same band a or b, and inter-bands, when the coupling occurs between carriers of different bands a with b — from graphs of the order parameter as a function of hybridization and the order parameter as a function of temperature, for null temperature in the first case and for finite temperature in the second, as well as intraband phase diagrams. In this sense, the study of the influence that hybridization has on superconductivity is fundamental for understanding unconventional superconductors, such as heavy fermions and high-temperature superconductors.



我们研究了杂化宇称对所谓的多波段超导体的影响,我们提出了一个具有两个波段的模型一种b. 因此,我们观察到带内超导的行为,其耦合发生在属于同一带的载流子之间一种要么b, 和频带间, 当耦合发生在不同频带的载波之间时一种b — 来自作为杂化函数的有序参数图和作为温度函数的有序参数图,第一种情况下的零温度和第二种情况下的有限温度,以及带内相图。从这个意义上说,研究杂化对超导性的影响对于理解非常规超导体(如重费米子和高温超导体)至关重要。