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Feasibility and acceptability of implementing the Making Friends with Yourself intervention on a college campus
Journal of American College Health ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1891077
Elizabeth Donovan 1 , Karen Bluth 2 , Hannah Scott 1 , Maleeha Mohammed 1 , Tara M Cousineau 3


Objective: To assess the feasibility and acceptability of Making Friends with Yourself (MFY): A Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Teens and Young Adults with a sample of college students. A secondary objective was to explore changes in psychosocial outcomes. Participants: Twenty-five students (23 females; mean age 20.35 years) enrolled in the 8-week intervention. Methods: Feasibility was measured by attendance and retention of participants; acceptability was determined through analysis of focus group data. Psychosocial outcomes were assessed through analyses of pre- and post-intervention measures. Results: The intervention was feasible as 20 students attended at least seven of eight classes, and 21 completed the program. Students found the intervention acceptable and reported significant increases in mindfulness and self-compassion and decreased perceived stress from pre- to post-intervention. However, academic stress increased. Conclusions: MFY may be a feasible and acceptable program to offer to college students. Further piloting in college student populations is recommended.




目标:以大学生为样本,评估与自己交朋友 (MFY) 的可行性和可接受性:针对青少年和年轻人的正念自我慈悲计划。次要目标是探索社会心理结果的变化。参与者: 25 名学生(23 名女性;平均年龄 20.35 岁)参加了为期 8 周的干预。方法:可行性是通过参与者的出勤率和保留率来衡量的;可接受性是通过分析焦点小组数据确定的。通过分析干预前和干预后的措施来评估社会心理结果。结果:干预是可行的,因为 20 名学生至少参加了八节课中的七节课,并且有 21 名学生完成了该计划。学生发现干预措施是可以接受的,并报告说干预前后的正念和自我同情显着增加,感知压力减少。然而,学业压力增加了。结论: MFY 可能是一个可行且可以接受的大学生项目。建议在大学生人群中进一步试点。
