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The Price of Partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians: "Make My Joy Complete" by Mark A. Jennings (review)
Neotestamentica ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24
Christoph Stenschke

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • The Price of Partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians: “Make My Joy Complete” by Mark A. Jennings
  • Christoph Stenschke
Jennings, Mark A. 2018. The Price of Partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians: “Make My Joy Complete.” LNTS 578. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0567678010. Pp. Xiv + 225. $114.

It is often argued that Paul’s letter to the Philippians has no single clear purpose. In addition, for many students, the letter is a loose compilation of several letters or letter fragments. The present monograph challenges these widespread notions and argues instead that there is evidence that Paul [End Page 404] wrote the letter with the sole purpose of persuading the readers to maintain their partnership with him and his mission of proclaiming the gospel to Jews and gentiles. He urges the Philippians to be steadfast in their commitment to his particular version of the gospel of Christ:

With the exception of a few ancillary matters, almost every element is directed by this view. He exhorted them to persevere in this by dispelling any doubts as to the legitimacy of his apostleship, pointing to the inauthenticity of competing gospel missions, drawing on reciprocal mutuality, and giving prominence to the eschatological promise of their continued fidelity . . . Paul writes to urge the church in Philippi to partake in his gospel mission from the first day until the last


After a brief statement of the thesis and methodological reflections (1–8), Jennings sets the scene for interpreting the letter in view of its current discussion (9–28), including the integrity of the letter, whether it is a friendship-letter or a family-letter, Paul’s imprisonment and the date of the letter, the theme of disunity and unity, the nature of the gospel and of Paul’s mission, the emphasis on perseverance and the significance of the Philippians’ gift.

In the main section of his study, Jennings moves in seven chapters through the entire letter (29–177) and presents the following overall interpretation of the letter. As the exordium to the entire letter, Philippians 1:1–11 offers a summary of Paul’s view of the Philippians’ fellowship with him in his mission. Philippians 1:12–26, as the narratio, provides the hermeneutical key for understanding the severance that Paul establishes between himself, his loyal partners and his opponents. In Philippians 1:18a, Paul is not affirming the theological position of his rivals, but he emphasises that their disposition towards him indicates that they are at odds with the gospel message itself. In the propositio (2:1–18) and the heart of the letter, the probatio (2:12–18), Paul’s attention to unity is not aimed at potential fractures within the Philippian church, but directed towards their corporate unity with him. The pattern of Christ (2:5–11), the dichotomy between faithful and apostate Israel (2:12–16a) and his own posture of sacrificial giving (2:16b–18) serve as evidence in support of the propositio. Following the Greco-Roman rhetorical convention, Paul then introduces Epaphroditus, Timothy and himself as examples (2:19–4:1). According to Jennings, Paul delays addressing the Philippians’ gift squarely until he had established the proper context for understanding it [End Page 405] (4:2–20). The Philippians’ support is portrayed as a sanctified, righteous fruit that authenticates their faith and demonstrates their fidelity to him and his gospel mission (7).

In the different sections of the letter, Jennings sees Paul addressing three matters: Firstly, the Philippians and Paul had entered into an agreement regarding his apostolic mission (at least in Paul’s presentation!). Because he is certain that it is eschatologically beneficial for both him and the Philippians to preserve their partnership in advancing the gospel mission, mutuality and reciprocity are recurrent themes. Conversely, it is eschatologically perilous for the church to separate from Paul.

Secondly, Paul offers “proofs” that simultaneously affirm the superiority of his apostolic mission and repudiate the claims of his antagonists. Paul’s opponents feature not only in the passages where they are explicitly mentioned (1:15–17, 27–28; 2:14–16; 3:2, 12–16, 18–19), but the threat...


保罗给腓立比人的信中的合伙人价:马克·詹宁斯(Mark A. Jennings)的“使我的喜悦完成”(评论)



  • 保罗给腓立比人的信中的合伙人价格:马克·詹宁斯(Mark A. Jennings)的“使我的喜悦完成”
  • 克里斯托夫·斯滕切克
詹宁斯,马克·A。2018年。保罗给腓立比人的信中的合伙人价:“使我的喜悦圆满。” LNTS578。伦敦:布鲁姆斯伯里T&T克拉克。ISBN 978-0567678010。Pp。Xiv +225。114美元。

经常有人争辩说,保罗给腓立比人的信没有明确的目的。另外,对于许多学生而言,该字母是几个字母或字母片段的松散汇编。本专着对这些广泛的观念提出了质疑,相反,有证据表明保罗[End Page 404]写这封信的唯一目的是说服读者与他保持伙伴关系,以及他向犹太人和外邦人宣讲福音的使命。他敦促腓立比人坚定不移地致力于自己特定版本的基督福音:






其次,保罗提供了“证明”,同时证实了使徒使命的优越性,并否定了反对者的主张。保罗的对手不仅在明显提及的段落中表现出来(1:15–17、27–28; 2:14–16; 3:2、12–16、18-19),而且还有威胁...
