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Fire history and dendroecology of Catoctin Mountain, Maryland, USA, with newspaper corroboration
Fire Ecology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1186/s42408-021-00096-2
Lauren F. Howard , Gabriel D. Cahalan , Kristyn Ehleben , Baaqeyah Amala Muhammad El , Hope Halza , Stephen DeLeon

Our study was designed to reveal a detailed forest fire history at Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland, USA. We compared the ages of living trees to known fire dates in the dendrochronological record. Seasonality and years of fires in the dendrochronological record were juxtaposed with specific dates of fires recorded in newspapers. Twenty-seven pines (Pinus L.) captured 122 fire scars representing 58 distinct fire years between 1702 and 1951. Climate was significantly hotter and drier in the years of burns that affected at least two trees and was wetter two years prior. Thirty-three fires described in local newspapers were reported largely in the spring and fall months (68% between March and June, 32% between September and December). Ninety-one percent of fire scars in our tree-ring chronology had dormant seasonality. The mean fire interval was 5.47 ± 10.14 (SD; standard deviation) yr, and the Weibull median fire interval was 3.22 yr during the entire chronology. The longest fire-free interval was from 1952 to 2018. The size structure of living trees was biased toward smaller black gums (Nyssa sylvatica Marshall) and oaks (Quercus L.) that recruited in the 1930s and 1940s. Most living pitch pines (Pinus rigida Mill) recruited between 1890 and 1910, but a few individuals recruited before the 1850s. Diversity of tree stems smaller than 10 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) was generally lacking; the youngest tree >10 cm DBH in our study area had recruited by 1967. The Catoctin Mountains experienced frequent fire during the 1800s and early 1900s. The causes of fires were diverse, including accidental ignitions and purposeful cultural burning for berry (Vaccinium L.) production. The current forest developed during a period of low deer density and after the demise of the charcoal iron industry ended an era of logging. The lack of fire since the 1950s has encouraged the development of a black gum dominated mid- and understory. Management with frequent fire would facilitate pine and oak regeneration.



我们的研究旨在揭示美国马里兰州卡特丁山公园的详细森林火灾历史。我们在树木年代学记录中将活树的年龄与已知的火灾日期进行了比较。年代史记录中的起火季节和年份与报纸上记录的特定起火日期并列。二十七棵松树(Pinus L.)捕获了122处火伤痕迹,代表了1702年至1951年之间58个不同的火灾年份。在烧伤多年的气候中,气候明显更热更干燥,两年前至少影响了两棵树。据报道,当地报纸报道的33起大火发生在春季和秋季的几个月(3月至6月为68%,9月至12月为32%)。在我们的树轮年表中,有91%的火伤疤有休眠季节。平均射击间隔为5。47±10.14(SD;标准差)年,在整个编年期间,威布尔中火间隔为3.22年。最长的无火时间间隔是从1952年到2018年。活树的大小结构偏向于在1930年代和1940年代招募的较小的黑树胶(Nyssa sylvatica Marshall)和橡树(Quercus L.)。大部分活生生的松树(硬叶松)在1890年至1910年之间招募,但少数人在1850年代之前招募。通常缺乏在胸高(DBH)时直径小于10厘米的树茎的多样性。1967年,我们研究区域中最年轻的> 10 cm DBH树被招募。Catoctin山在1800年代和1900年代初期频繁发生火灾。引起火灾的原因多种多样,包括意外点火和故意为浆果(Vaccinium L.)生产进行文化燃烧。目前的森林是在鹿群密度低的时期以及木炭铁行业的灭亡之后伐木的时代发展起来的。自1950年代以来,火势不足,促使黑胶在中层和底层的发展成为主导。频繁生火管理将促进松树和橡树的再生。