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Positive affective states can play the role of context to renew extinguished instrumental behavior in rats
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2021.104376
Rodolfo Bernal-Gamboa , Mariel Almaguer-Azpeitia , Diana Carreón , Javier Nieto , Metin Uengoer

In one experiment with rats, we examined whether positive affective states can serve as contexts in a between-subjects ABA renewal design using appetitive instrumental conditioning. Two groups of rats received training to press a lever for food where each acquisition session was preceded by administration of a tickling procedure (Context A) known to induce positive affective states. Then, lever pressing underwent extinction where rats received a pure handling treatment (Context B) before each session. During a final test session, we found stronger responding when the session was preceded by tickling (Group ABA) compared to handling (Group ABB), indicating an ABA renewal effect. Furthermore, test performance in Group ABB was not different from that in a third group where handling preceded acquisition sessions, and tickling extinction and test sessions (Group BAA), showing that tickling did not elevate instrumental responding during the test if it had been unrelated to initial acquisition. We discuss implications of our results for understanding the role of positive affective states in relapse of problem behavior.



