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The influence of a teacher-designed and -implemented disability awareness programme on the attitudes of students toward inclusion
European Physical Education Review ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x21999400
Raul Reina 1 , Justin A. Haegele 2 , Alberto Pérez-Torralba 3 , Laura Carbonell-Hernández 1 , Alba Roldan 1

This study aimed to examine: (1) the influence of a disability awareness programme, designed and implemented by attendees of the Incluye-T programme and implemented in real educational settings, on the attitudes of their students toward the inclusion of peers with disabilities; (2) the differential effects of the disability awareness activities between classes in which physical impairment, visual impairment, or multi-impairment programmes were implemented; and (3) the influence of personal demographic variables on participants’ attitudes toward the inclusion of peers with disabilities before and after the implementation of the disability awareness physical education (PE) sessions. A sample of 1105 PE students (13.1 ± 2.2 years) from 56 Spanish public educational centres took part. After the training programme on self-efficacy toward inclusion, physical educators designed and implemented awareness interventions at their schools. Physical educators implemented physical-only (23.2%), visual-only (42.9%), and combined activities for both impairments (33.9%). PE students’ attitudes toward inclusion were measured pre- and post-interventions. Those who participated in combined activities revealed significant differences for the four attitude scores (p < 0.001), while those taking part in visual-only activities demonstrated decreased scores for the overall (p = 0.044) and the control beliefs subscale (p = 0.010). PE teachers were capable of influencing their PE students’ attitudes toward inclusion using awareness activities taking into consideration the ecology of the interventions and the PE students’ base level of attitudes before delivering sessions. The type of impairment/disability that was the focus of the awareness activities was an important factor that influenced the effectiveness of the interventions.



这项研究旨在研究:(1)Incluye-T参与者设计和实施的残疾意识计划的影响计划并在实际的教育环境中实施,以学生对残障同伴包容的态度为基础;(2)实施肢体障碍,视觉障碍或多重障碍计划的班级之间的残疾意识活动的差异;(3)在实施残障意识体育课程之前和之后,个人人口统计学变量对参与者对待包容残障人士的态度的影响。来自西班牙56个公共教育中心的1105名体育学生(13.1±2.2岁)参加了抽样调查。在开展了关于实现自我效能感的培训计划之后,体育工作者在他们的学校设计并实施了意识干预措施。体育教育者仅实施体育锻炼(占23.2%),视觉障碍(42.9%),以及两种障碍的综合活动(33.9%)。体育学生对包容的态度在干预前后进行了测量。参加联合活动的人在四个态度得分上有显着差异(p < 0.001),而那些仅从事视觉活动的人的总体得分(p = 0.044)和对照信念量表(p = 0.010)降低。体育教师能够通过开展意识活动来影响其体育学生的包容态度,同时考虑干预措施的生态和体育学生在上课前的基本态度。意识活动的重点是障碍/残疾的类型,是影响干预措施有效性的重要因素。
