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The Sermon as a Multimedial Instrument of Communication in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth During the Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Forum for Modern Language Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1093/fmls/cqaa027
Dalia Marija Stančiene 1

At the end of the sixteenth century, during the Christianization of Lithuania, sermons became one of the most important means of communication. As a medium, the sermon functioned through systems of codified sounds and symbols, as well as representing the institution of the Church for which it served as a broadcaster. Increased attention to the sermon was prompted by the desire of the Catholic Church to resist the Reformation and to preserve its spiritual monopoly. Martin Luther and Erasmus of Rotterdam underlined the importance of preaching, claiming that preaching the Gospels could improve society. The Jesuits instructed preachers not to limit themselves to religious matters alone but also to pay attention to social and political problems. There were two kinds of sermon: one for churchmen, preached in Latin; the other for lay people, in the vernacular. The Jesuits trained priests to preach in Lithuanian.



十六世纪末,在立陶宛基督教化时期,讲道成为最重要的交流手段之一。作为一种媒介,布道通过编纂的声音和符号组成的系统起作用,并代表其充当广播员的教会所在的机构。天主教会渴望抵制宗教改革并保持其精神上的垄断,这促使人们对讲道有了更多的关注。鹿特丹的马丁·路德(Martin Luther)和伊拉斯mus(Erasmus)强调了宣讲的重要性,声称宣讲福音可以改善社会。耶稣会士指示传教士不要只局限于宗教事务,还应注意社会和政治问题。讲道有两种:一种是为教会者讲的,用拉丁语讲的;另一种是讲道的。另一个是外行人 在白话。耶稣会士训练神父在立陶宛语中讲道。