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Conserving the forgotten: New insights from a Central African biodiversity hotspot on the anthropogenic perception of nocturnal primates (Mammalia: Strepsirrhini)
Primates ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10329-021-00898-7
Nestor T Fominka 1 , Hernani F M Oliveira 2, 3 , Geraud C Tasse Taboue 1, 4 , Francis E Luma 5 , Carolyn A Robinson 6 , Eric B Fokam 1

The growing dependence of villagers on local forests (food, wood, etc.) makes the comparative assessment of the perceptions they have of the forest and its wildlife increasingly important for setting conservation priorities. While hunting and habitat loss are important threats to primates’ existence worldwide, more attention has been focused on diurnal species, while little is known about their nocturnal counterparts. Strepsirrhini is a group of nocturnal primates with galago and potto as the only representatives on mainland Africa. To assess the perception of locals and their impacts on the conservation of these primates, questionnaires were administered to 79 household heads in four villages located in community forests around Mount Cameroon National Park. Amongst the respondents, over 90% admitted that these animals are eaten in their communities. Nocturnal primates were not only hunted for food, but also used in medicine and rituals and to make drums. However, the habit of eating nocturnal primates seems to be uncommon, as most respondents had not consumed any primate bushmeat in the last 5 years. The knowledge and support of wildlife conservation manifested by the villagers did not reflect the reality on the ground, as forest clearing for agriculture takes place regularly across the villages. Our findings suggest that bushmeat is not the main threat to nocturnal primates in this area, with habitat loss potentially representing a bigger problem for their existence in the near future.



村民对当地森林(食物、木材等)的依赖日益增加,这使得对他们对森林及其野生动物的看法的比较评估对于确定保护优先事项变得越来越重要。虽然狩猎和栖息地丧失是世界范围内灵长类动物生存的重要威胁,但更多的注意力集中在白天活动的物种上,而对其夜间活动的同类知之甚少。Strepsirrhini是一群夜间活动的灵长类动物,以galago和potto为唯一的代表在非洲大陆。为了评估当地人的看法及其对保护这些灵长类动物的影响,我们对位于喀麦隆山国家公园周围社区森林的四个村庄的 79 位户主进行了问卷调查。在受访者中,超过 90% 的人承认这些动物在他们的社区中被吃掉。夜间活动的灵长类动物不仅被猎杀作为食物,还用于医药和仪式以及制作鼓。然而,吃夜行性灵长类动物的习惯似乎并不常见,因为大多数受访者在过去 5 年里没有吃过任何灵长类动物丛林肉。村民们表现出的对野生动物保护的知识和支持并没有反映当地的现实,因为整个村庄定期进行农业森林砍伐。我们的研究结果表明,丛林肉并不是该地区夜间灵长类动物的主要威胁,栖息地丧失可能代表它们在不久的将来生存的更大问题。吃夜行性灵长类动物的习惯似乎并不常见,因为大多数受访者在过去 5 年里没有吃过任何灵长类动物丛林肉。村民们表现出的对野生动物保护的知识和支持并没有反映当地的现实,因为整个村庄定期进行农业森林砍伐。我们的研究结果表明,丛林肉并不是该地区夜间灵长类动物的主要威胁,栖息地丧失可能代表它们在不久的将来生存的更大问题。吃夜行性灵长类动物的习惯似乎并不常见,因为大多数受访者在过去 5 年里没有吃过任何灵长类动物丛林肉。村民们表现出的对野生动物保护的知识和支持并没有反映当地的现实,因为整个村庄定期进行农业森林砍伐。我们的研究结果表明,丛林肉并不是该地区夜间灵长类动物的主要威胁,栖息地丧失可能代表它们在不久的将来生存的更大问题。
