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Low altitude spatial assessment and monitoring of intertidal seagrass meadows beyond the visible spectrum using a remotely piloted aircraft system
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107299
Subhash Chand , Barbara Bollard

Seagrass meadows contribute to multiple ecosystem services in the marine environment. Despite their ecological importance and the services they provide, seagrass habitats globally have shown a major decline. To understand this loss, in this study, we demonstrate the potential of a multi-rotor and a multispectral sensor for spatial assessment and monitoring for seagrass meadows in Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand. Initially, we used structure from motion photogrammetry to generate a high-spatial-resolution orthomosaic of 3.5 cm/pixel. Next, we compared seagrass reflectance from a handheld field spectroradiometer to the reflectance extracted from the RPAS multispectral orthomosaic. This reflectance information was then used to create a spectral index. After that, we used an object-based image analysis (OBIA) technique to segment the orthomosaic and perform a supervised classification. Consequently, an overall accuracy of 95% and a Kappa Coefficient of 0.81 was achieved. This high accuracy is attributed to the sensor's capability to capture high-resolution imagery beyond the visible spectrum as the ability to distinguish meadows from other land cover features was improved. Similarly, researchers elsewhere can gain valuable insights to observe local changes and identify drivers of change. The technique used in this research can directly improve our understanding of seagrass spatial dynamics for conservation and planning.



海草草甸为海洋环境中的多种生态系统服务做出了贡献。尽管具有重要的生态意义和所提供的服务,但全球海草生境却出现了严重下降。为了了解这种损失,在这项研究中,我们证明了多旋翼和多光谱传感器在新西兰奥克兰Waitemata港海藻草地的空间评估和监测中的潜力。最初,我们使用运动摄影测量的结构来生成3.5 cm /像素的高空间分辨率正镶嵌图像。接下来,我们将手持式场光谱辐射仪的海草反射率与从RPAS多光谱正马赛克提取的反射率进行了比较。然后将该反射率信息用于创建光谱指数。之后,我们使用了基于对象的图像分析(OBIA)技术来分割正马赛克并执行监督分类。因此,整体准确度达到95%,卡伯系数达到0.81。这种高精确度归因于传感器能够捕获可见光谱之外的高分辨率图像的能力,这是因为将草地与其他土地覆被特征区分开的能力得到了改善。同样,其他地方的研究人员也可以获得有价值的见解,以观察当地的变化并确定变化的驱动力。本研究中使用的技术可以直接改善我们对海草空间动态的了解,以进行保护和规划。增强了在可见光谱范围之外捕获高分辨率图像的能力,从而提高了将草地与其他土地覆盖特征区分开的能力。同样,其他地方的研究人员也可以获得有价值的见解,以观察当地的变化并确定变化的驱动力。本研究中使用的技术可以直接改善我们对海草空间动态的了解,以进行保护和规划。增强了在可见光谱范围之外捕获高分辨率图像的能力,从而提高了将草地与其他土地覆盖特征区分开的能力。同样,其他地方的研究人员也可以获得有价值的见解,以观察当地的变化并确定变化的驱动力。本研究中使用的技术可以直接改善我们对海草空间动态的了解,以进行保护和规划。
