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An Inka Unku from Caleta Vitor Bay, Northern Chile
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2020.81
Tracy Martens , Jacqueline Correa-Lau , Calogero M. Santoro , Christopher Carter , Judith Cameron

As insignia of power and prestige, Inka unku (tapestry tunics) communicated the strength and extent of Inka sociopolitical hegemony in the Andes. Of the 36 known full-size examples in museum collections, only one, found in Argentina, comes from outside Peru. This article investigates another recently excavated unku found out of context on Chile's northernmost coast. To confirm its authenticity, we compiled a database showing the technical and stylistic attributes of previous finds for comparison. We conclude that this artifact is indeed a new type of unku and that the discovery affects our understanding of the complex relationship between the people of this province and the Inka state.


来自智利北部卡莱塔维托湾的 Inka Unku

作为权力和威望的象征,印加云库(挂毯长袍)传达了安第斯山脉印加社会政治霸权的力量和程度。在博物馆收藏的 36 个已知全尺寸示例中,在阿根廷发现的只有一个来自秘鲁以外的地区。本文调查了另一个最近挖掘的云库在智利最北端的海岸断章取义。为了确认其真实性,我们编制了一个数据库,显示以前发现的技术和风格属性以进行比较。我们得出结论,这件神器确实是一种新型的云库这一发现影响了我们对该省人民与印加邦之间复杂关系的理解。